KoejiSllycc Wow, you already asked one for silentscarlettt, and now here. impatient much or you are depreciating the work placed to make your cover by choice of elimination. two-timer.
Free covers for your stories! (CLOSED)
- Title: The Inheritance System
- Author Name/ Pen Name: iHateMilk
- Link to Story: https://www.webnovel.com/book/11742099505507805
- Genres of Story: Xianxia, eastern fantasy,
right side of the cover will be the back of a man, wearing a white robe with his left hand stretched out, his hand will be clutching a square city,
he is visibly "Crushing" the city. since it is a square city, the places where his fingers are will look crushed and debris will be falling out of the city/palm.
BeyondBreaking Asking two is faster than one. I did the same. Just having a random one of each.
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BeyondBreaking thanks for telling me about that; I wouldn't have found out that they were doing that if not for you!
just as a note to future requesters, I'm fine with people coming to my thread after going to another thread, but please make sure that you've actually received a cover from the other thread & are not happy with it before coming to mines! And vice versa. It makes sense if you want another cover because you're not satisfied with the current one you have, but if you just want to request for two/more covers just because you want to hoard covers for your stories, chances are, I will ignore your request.
idkmylifeisamess However, if you made graphics, you would understand that it sucks to spend hours working on something and having it just be included as a link in the auxiliary chapter or something similar to that while a cover someone else made is used as the actual cover of the story. Have had that experience in the past-- it's not a great feeling. Graphics hoarders are not appreciated here with me.
yaoyueyi Sorry. I'll consider others feelings. I thought it would be fine. I'll just ask for one from each to make it easier (should've just asked for a specific cover).
Pls just do the FoTD, I will HID from other graphics designer.
Guess I never considered the possibility of both picking one cover...
yaoyueyi I see. Sorry for not thinking it twice then. To be honest, I was worried to get ignored by both creators so I sent a request to both you, and scarlet. Once I get accepted on either one, i was planning on deleting the post of the other. Of course, I would prefer yours over scarlets, its just your style thats all.
KoejiSllycc Huge misunderstanding here. I don’t know if someone thinks im trying too much by flattering, but im really just speaking my thoughts.
Its ok if you don’t want to make me a cover, really. But it would really make my day if someone made me a cover.
P.S. By the way, i’m on mobile rn, so I cant delete my other post at the moment. Also I’m currently fine with my current cover I made by myself, so if you still choose to ignore me, its fine
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+Title: What NEET Does When The World Apocalypse
+Author Name/ Pen Name: Godadi
+Link to Story: https://www.webnovel.com/book/11464853906377105/
+Genres of Story: Fantasy, romance, action, sword and magic, adventure.
Specific Requests: @yaoyueyi I want the man in black hair with black obsidian eyes to hug the girl in white silver hair with blue emerald eyes while their face are facing front toward the readers, their clothes is same as in the picture also their background is apocalytic world like in thank you.
Ps : that all pictures are not from me or any drawer in wn I only take it from pinterest and since it looks good and decided to shamelessly use it as my temporary cover. So i hope you could help me make another original cover for my novel also please make it as good as possible since I plan to put it in amazon. thank you very much.
Title: Loving a Red Rose
Author Name/ Pen Name: Bella_Rostova
Link to Story: https://dynamic.webnovel.com/book/11749382606505105
Genres of Story: Romance Fiction
Cover Request : I already have my own cover but that one I just edited from pics I got from google.. It would be fantastic to have you design my book cover according to your imagination. I dont have many request just I want something that could attract female readers.. Thanks a lot if you can make my book cover
yaoyueyi i already checked out your website.. Wow youre talented!! It must be you like this kind of job.. Thats why youre able to design many attractive covers
Bella_Rostova hello, here is you request! this actually turned out better than I expected, and I experimented with a lot of different styles for this. also ended up using celebrities as face claims because I couldn't find other suitable images. hope you like it! uwu
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- Title: Origin System
- Author Name/ Pen Name: LazerSnipe
- Link to Story: https://www.webnovel.com/book/10552805306060805/Origin-System
- Genres of Story: Transmigration, System, Martial Arts, Historical-ish (Chapters really haven't reached the historical parts yet)
- Any Specific Requests: Male - Long Black Hair, White Robe
Thank You :]
yaoyueyi Hey there, can u make me a cover with guy in his twenties.
Only his back can be seen.
He's wearing green robes .
Silky black hair on a bun with some it draping down his right shoulder.
He is on top of a mountain peak with lush green trees surrounding him.
That's it.Please make as fast as you can. Thank you
KDOSSTUDIO the guy is also holding a silver spear
KDOSSTUDIO If u can then please add the title "Gaia's Favourite" in the cover