yaoyueyi UPDATE: Reverted it back! Managed to find a service online to convert png to jpg, thank you for the effort again and sorry for the presumptuousness...
Free covers for your stories! (CLOSED)
BTW your cover was awesome enough that fellow authors are saying if it was officially made... >.<
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yaoyueyi If you are willing to (if not I will gratefully keep with what I got) add something that looks like a gateway to another world blocking out the front of the bus (along the lines of this image) It would be almost exactally what I was looking for.;,;.
Please, and if you do, thank you... even if not tho, thank you for the awsome cover.;,;.
since I found out that such is the best way... if you do... please make sure to use the first link... I will make sure to scroll all the way down.;,;.
TheAdventurer ahh aishfioahoifj thank you so much that's honestly really flattering >///<
yaoyueyi If you don't want to do mine I understand. I don't want to make you do something you don't find fun. I redid my cover last night, so don't feel you need to. You are doing it for free so I won't be upset. Thank you for helping so many people.
BabyTanuki oh, no, it's okay! I'm willing to work on your request and if I do have any troubles/concerns of whether or not I can make it, I will probably notify you then. for now, though, your request is going to remain on the queue if that's alright!
DeJeL ah, no, I don't mean the image file-- I mean the Photoshop/PSD file that carries all the layers for that specific poster. without it, I can't edit things successfully because I need the specific layers and psd folders. if I still had it, I would be super willing to help, but since I don't now, I can't. ;;-;;
yaoyueyi sometimes files that are deleted can still be found in the "trash bin" depending on the OS you are using and how it corresponds with set files... if you have checked that already and not found it, then:
oh, well... I thought it might be something like that (why I said "not sure if that'll help"), I know photoshop decently, and can understand perfectly what you mean... I know it would take a lot of meticulousness that you likely don't feel up to doing (especially for a free work) to do it without the layers, so I will just keep what I got until//unles I find a better cover.;,;. (some change their covers once a volume, I will only do so if I can get a better one, which I doubt with my lack of resources).;,;.
So thank you for what you have done.;,;.
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- Title: Otherworldly Adventure
- Author Name/ Pen Name: kingicez
- Link to Story:https://www.webnovel.com/book/11461769006370905/Otherworldly-Adventure
- Genres of Story: Adventure, Fantasy,
- Any Specific Requests: Grassland - Mountain to the north, long river going to the mountain to the right.
That's all.
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Misguided_Rooster The artist is on a pause for now, because of long list. Lol. Try Adobe Spark and Canva first for now.
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MasterRabbink I can't draw!!
I'm trying to get pics from Pinterest but no matter wot I do the size is always wrong..
Misguided_Rooster find a suitable pic somewhere than put it into the paint than resize it to the 600 pixels wide by 800 pixels tall.
DeJeL I did that and It never works...
Misguided_Rooster Fine, post a picture you'd like me to resize on https://tiny.cc/WOI-Int2 and I'll do it for you... Note* it's best to save in Jpeg format... if it's in PNG than it won't register most of the time.;,;.
DeJeL thank you!!!!!