yaoyueyi not sure if that'll help, but you should still be able to see it on the second link... if that will do it then you can use that, if not then it's okay.;,;.

    DeJeL ah, no, I don't mean the image file-- I mean the Photoshop/PSD file that carries all the layers for that specific poster. without it, I can't edit things successfully because I need the specific layers and psd folders. if I still had it, I would be super willing to help, but since I don't now, I can't. ;;-;;

      yaoyueyi sometimes files that are deleted can still be found in the "trash bin" depending on the OS you are using and how it corresponds with set files... if you have checked that already and not found it, then:
      oh, well... I thought it might be something like that (why I said "not sure if that'll help"), I know photoshop decently, and can understand perfectly what you mean... I know it would take a lot of meticulousness that you likely don't feel up to doing (especially for a free work) to do it without the layers, so I will just keep what I got until//unles I find a better cover.;,;. (some change their covers once a volume, I will only do so if I can get a better one, which I doubt with my lack of resources).;,;.
      So thank you for what you have done.;,;.

        yaoyueyi Also, on a separate note, I gave you a shoutout and put a link to your book in my novel's synopsys as thanks for the cover.;,;.

          DeJeL aw, thank you. I'll try to see if I can find it but I have a really old, slow, glitchy computer so I doubt that it'll be there. D: feel free to change it if you find a more suitable one!

          Misguided_Rooster I said the picture, not the link... I have too many blockades, I can't follow that link, if you can paste the picture than I'll help.;,;. (If in chrome, you will need to add the extension that allows google docs offline... otherwise you should just be able to paste the picture as a suggested edit, comment only does not mean you can only comment, it means that you can't just make a change, you have to suggest it instead, by making the edit to the document just as you would if you had full editing access.;,;.)

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