
  • Mar 20, 2024
  • Joined May 12, 2023
  • I'm here to ask again all of you veteran writers, what I the format of a chapter (I don't know how to describe it so ill make an example)

    For EXAMPLE, this is the chapter:

    chapter 1 blah blah blah

    you write what the mc feels and sees or anything else
    then you proceed to dialogue.

    "This is the dialogue"

    next ure gonna write what mc feels or sees or anything else then dialogue again?

    is that it or I'm missing something important?

    • so I already have a plan in my mind of what my plot and characters will be and will do but I don't know how to write a web novel like that at first I thought it was easy as it seemed but since I'm also a new writer, my drafts were awfully ass

      Web Novel Novel Ask