
  • 5 Jan
  • Joined Oct 12, 2018
  • I don't know at what level what writing is because when I read it--sure I have decent grammar and all--but I don't feel anything. And the commenters didn't really give feedback much on the writing itself. I'm personally worried about my writing style for quite some time now. And I'm not sure if I have improved or not.

    • Also, something to note is that, in the original Qidian website (the Chinese one), this kind of thing is common. The truth of the fact is that, Qidian has been putting fanfiction and orifiction together since long ago. Therefore, while it will be nice to have separate voting systems, I highly doubt they're going to implement it.

      • I also forgot to mention that the fanfiction community is in abundance of readers who don't know the meaning of character development. These kinds of readers are usually the ones who kept yapping on actually decent FFs about the MC not being OP enough. It really discourages any good FFs to be noticed and encourages more cruddy works that currently dominate the popular ranking in the Fanfiction genre.

      • I don't mind fanfics much, but I have to agree that most of them on this site have dirt-poor quality. And it baffles me when there are fanfics about pornstars. Like, what even?

        The amount of good fanfics on this site is so meagre that I was willing to severely lower my IQ to read ones that have horrible grammar and characters that are OOC because I was so desperate.

        And yes, they should separate the fanfictions and the originals so that each of them have a separate voting system.

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