Daoisthentai nope, mods have a special little sticker next to their pics, like admins, editors, and translators do.;,;.

    We are two who have not read fanfics on Qidian.
    I've been a fanfic writer on Brazilian sites, so I understand the two sides of writing original and fanfics.

    Particularly... I do not know which is the most laborious, I just know the result in a question of readers, works with fanfiction are more rewarding with the incentives.

    Of course, the originals leave a greater strain when they are evaluated, after all, it is my world that is being exposed to thousands of people. So when a person criticizes the original work, for me, it's like a bullet in the heart. Already in fanfic, it is just a fantasy or a wish to be realized in that world created by another author.

    I do not know if I was very clear about that.

    Anyway, I do not read fanfic anymore, I do not want to destroy the perfect work of an author, even if he did shit in the last volume of his work (Bleach!).

    But I'm not going to lie, I read some books (yes, real books, those bestsellers or those that go to the movies) and I feel a compulsion to modify some endings, especially if it is the character that I love the most and he dies of a very unfair and meaningless way. Then I restrain myself (I do not publish), just write to myself, to my self-satisfaction.



      you should never read fanfictions if you are searching for it yourself...
      its very hard to comb through the mountains of bad fanfics to find something that is very good
      and for a site as new as this the concept of finding something good in a pile of bad things will take a long time to be applied here. not like ffnet where millions of fictions are already there so there is bound to be something good..

      but if you do want to read goodly written fics that are as good if not better than the original
      those can be found here fanfic recs

      Come on men, we can't let this thread die! I watched tens and tens of sublime writers fall below the 100s when fanfictions became famous here, and I guarantee, I will fucking file a lawsuit if that happens.

      On a serious note, if anyone is actually willing to do so, it's actually possible to file a lawsuit.

      Lawsuit because of misappropriation of words, yes, you've heard me right. Filing fanfictions under a section called "original" is just short for funneling kerosene into your ass, webnovel.

      Hey mods, where are you? @CKtalon

      I don't mind fanfics much, but I have to agree that most of them on this site have dirt-poor quality. And it baffles me when there are fanfics about pornstars. Like, what even?

      The amount of good fanfics on this site is so meagre that I was willing to severely lower my IQ to read ones that have horrible grammar and characters that are OOC because I was so desperate.

      And yes, they should separate the fanfictions and the originals so that each of them have a separate voting system.

        I also forgot to mention that the fanfiction community is in abundance of readers who don't know the meaning of character development. These kinds of readers are usually the ones who kept yapping on actually decent FFs about the MC not being OP enough. It really discourages any good FFs to be noticed and encourages more cruddy works that currently dominate the popular ranking in the Fanfiction genre.

        I agree with wanting to have separate sections for originals and for fanfiction. Fanfiction are more of derivative works based on existing properties and cannot be truly considered 'original fiction'.

        As a long-time reader, I usually go to fan communities to search for recommendations if I want to read fanfiction.
        Most good fanfics are on ao3 or ffnet anyway.

        InfernalRhage 99% translation teams doing it and they're fine. How much do you think authors get from translation teams? 0$ in most cases.

          Also, something to note is that, in the original Qidian website (the Chinese one), this kind of thing is common. The truth of the fact is that, Qidian has been putting fanfiction and orifiction together since long ago. Therefore, while it will be nice to have separate voting systems, I highly doubt they're going to implement it.

            On the writing part: The biggest problem I see in fanfiction is that the tone is different (this has low-key also smth to do with character consistency but F it). When I read a book and soon after I read an FF of it I just cringe because the tone in which the story is presented is different.
            Also: I hate it when a character with wonderful development suddenly comes off like a Japanese LN protag.
            Just ArrgH... go die you destroyed the picture of my favorite character!
            I don't know any good Fanfics bc I don't want to risk it (for reasons stated above)

              YuushaExa Really they are just fine... need I remind you of all translators who got hit by DMCA's by Qidian around the time this site was started? What do you think would have happened if they had continued translating said novels after that.
              Secondly you can not compare translating a novel from one language to another to people straight up copying 90% of someone elses work with a few slight changes, weather it be to the story line or the addition of a few new characters, and labeling it as ORIGINAL.

              AraiiYama heres a copy pasted response to that

              One problem with fanfiction is sometimes writers don't do their research even when it is very simple. A common occurrence is when an author from a country other than the original work's country of origin writes characters as if they are from their own country. An example is Harry Potter where non-British writers (particularly American) make characters act and think like an American would; this also happens vice versa as seen in Fifty Shades of Grey.

              Eventually, this accretion of fan-born details and mutations turns into things that "everybody knows" about the series. Those new to or unfamiliar with the original material are frequently confused into believing that it obviously must be canon if so many people mention it, even "facts" of the Epileptic Trees variety. This is especially the case with series that have long runs and which gloss over details which are unimportant to the plot but are of interest to the fans and the fan writers.

              One famous example of this is the manga/anime Ranma Β½, released well before the Internet became ubiquitous and when many fans had no easy access to the original source material. All manner of details (including the explanation of Akane's mallet as either a ki attack or as residing in a hyperdimensional pocket, her Flanderization into a "psychobitch", her lethal cooking (rather than being just bad), and the names and fates of the many missing mothers were never touched on in the show but became standardized in Ranma fan fiction over the course of approximately a decade. The process was accelerated and exacerbated by the appearance of fanfiction written by people who had never actually seen the show itself and whose only exposure to Ranma was other fanfiction.

              Another famous example is the Harry Potter fanfic The Draco Trilogy, which was apparently so widely read that details such as Blaise Zabini being female and Ginny's name being Virginia were taken to be canon, although they were both refuted by later books.

              It's not surprising that fans of some shows occasionally pen FAQs solely to reduce the accumulation of fanon in this way.

                daily post to keep this thread alive... staying alive... ah .. ahh ... ahh .. ahhh staying alive~

                "I do not own this work. It and any characters that may appear in it are the intellectual property of various authors, Please don't sue me."
                β€”Most fanfic writers

                This kind of disclaimer comes from a misunderstanding of copyright law; fanfic writers seem to believe that it's concerned with taking credit for someone else's work.

                So as long as she is explicit that she didn't create the characters or setting, she's not taking credit for the work, and is thus home free. The problem is that copyright law is concerned with protecting the original author's rights, whether or not the fanfic writer takes credit for the work.

                You can be liable for copyright infringement as long as the creator of the original work loses money because of your fic. (This can happen even if you don't charge for your fanfic; the rights holder can argue that he could have written your story just as easily and charged money for it, except your free version is there, so now he can't.)

                Some fanfic authors try to head off legal consequences by pointing out that they have little, no, or negative assets; this never works because rights holders don't care about your assets so much as protecting their own assets and stopping you from doing further damage.

                This post should survivor no matter what.....The fanfic has took the daily update...OMG...THIS IS BAD.....
                Skyrim, Highschool dxd, viserys targaryen, wandering the multiverse...😑😑😑😑😑🀧🀧🀧😱😱😱😱😨😨😰😰😭😭😀😀

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