
  • Jan 5, 2022
  • Joined Nov 20, 2017
  • I am one of the few that have spent $200+ on SS and am slowly weaning myself off of this model to other comparable stuff as my SS runs out. This 'whale' is getting tired of feeling that I am getting ripped off vs. paying a fair $ for good service.

    • CKtalon you could incent other behavior like cc etc. that wouldn't cost everyone 30%. This increases the app payers an incentive to get paypal or other cheaper alrenative. This 30% overhead is really killing the business for you and I - only person benefiting is apple or google. I have been buying ss through paypal but knowing there is no difference to me to keep doing that extra step to log in and pay through paypal and instead just pay through the app -which ultimately increases the cost on you with no benefit reduction to me (maybe i don't have to log in to paypal) and only apple being happier.

      It is also very fair as people realize that there is a cost that apple charges for using that service which is substantial. Please do think about this.

    • CKtalon - You should give more SS (at least 25% more overall) to people who buy directly through the website and pay through paypal and not through Apple or Google since you will be making 30% more given you don't have to pay Apple or Google their 30% cut. This would incent all of us to buy through the site. Its a long term win win as it will keep overall costs low

      • Is there a way to gift SS?

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