Hello fellow Readers
You can just take it as question or doubt but seriously the Power Rankings are loopsided I mean the top 3 rankings are unbelievable.Sure the no of users multiplied but still. Its Crazy and Awesome at the same time that FMHM still in top 3 or at most top 5 even it's been some time since it's completed. I definitely not a Fan of Trial Marriage no offense I read close to 350s but the repetitive arrogant and over confident face slapping was not to my taste so stopped. At that time it was low on power Rankings but picked pace and now basically ruling it. So a query does it improve. I know that most Female MC have face slapping I am fan of FMHM read it completely. I actually made another account initially so that I can read those Mass Releases. And also fan of Perfect Secret Love so much that when it was in 300 hundreds I went on to read raws fantically. I haven't read Strongest Sword God as reviews were negative. Stopped King's Avatar after the Championship as I couldn't spare stones . As of LOHP since I caught up with Translation at 700s I started MTL and caught up with it. RTW is definitely my top 5.
So finally the question do also fellow readers feel that Power Rankings are sort of loopsided or heavily favoured. Or worse manipulated but that doesn't make any sense without proof people are free to read what they want and vote for what they want.
As for my Request. Please do recommend some hidden gems on Translated Ones only please no offense to Originals but I simply don't have stones for many. The reason I am asking as RTW is finishing I will have space to fit another Novel. So please do recommend. The originals can also be posted but no promises but I will do check them out. I usually start to read novels which are Translation above 100 chapters as I believe one needs to read sufficient in long novels to get gist of it. Thanks I know people will ask for my library or genres but everything is okay as long as no BL or Yuri Please. Harem might be avoided especially those of Brainwashed ones where they meaningless fall for MC.
Thanks in Advance