
  • Joined Nov 20, 2017
  • In my novel someone posted that, so I was wondering if this happened in someone else's original novel. Also can I ask the admins to remove that comment?

    • So.. um this is a weird question. But has anyone had someone post a penis enlargement ad on their novels? I'm just wondering if that's within the bounds of webnovel's regulation.

      • DontAskMe This is something that I question in novels. Why are the reincarnated Mcs so okay with killing? Sure in some novels the Author will throw a paragraph about, the mcs can't show mercy to his enemies and such. But it struck me as weird that, they have no psychological baggage at all after they have done the deed.

        An acquaintance of mine, is a psychiatrist. He told me that, a killer, no matter what, as long as they were sane, would have emotional consequences when taking a life. It's because as they grew up, they were taught this values that define their being. So that's what I find odd. If the Mc is just a regular guy in his old world.

        Why does he not get this emotional disturbance when he commits mass genocide somewhere?


        • Ok first and foremost, I should introduce myself. I'm Unknown, the Author of Author Vs Protagonist. I just did a mass release on my novel about 5 chapters, and this thread is meant to discuss those chapters. The reason I'm doing this is because those chapters, specifically chapter 36 and 37, will put in the most important tidbit of the novel.

          If you have not read my novel and want to, then here's a link.

          You can come back here after you catch up. If you're not interested, do stick around, because I want to ask about something I find very weird and common around novels.

          To start off, I'll explain chapter 36. In that chapter, what basically happened was that, my protagonist, felt despair. It wasn't despair because he was losing, instead it was because he was about to kill, without remorse. After seeing what he had done, he notices something. This was not him. This was not what he grew up on. He knew that back in his own world, he was taught that murder was wrong, but when he came to that place, he was suddenly okay with killing someone.

          He wondered why this was. What had caused him to undergo much change. At the end of that chapter, I showed a small scene, in which there were 2 entities discussing something. I think anyone who has read my novel up to this point would know that, this was the Author. The woman though, is a secret.

          What I wanted to show here was that the Author is not a Deus ex Machina. He was not a convenient plot armor that will magically make everything okay. He's an actual entity that is important towards the whole plot. He has his own roles, and what those are, will show up in due time.

          Now let's go back to the killing part. This is something that I question in novels. Why are the reincarnated Mcs so okay with killing? Sure in some novels the Author will throw a paragraph about, the mcs can't show mercy to his enemies and such. But it struck me as weird that, they have no psychological baggage at all after they have done the deed.

          An acquaintance of mine, is a psychiatrist. He told me that, a killer, no matter what, as long as they were sane, would have emotional consequences when taking a life. It's because as they grew up, they were taught this values that define their being. So that's what I find odd. If the Mc is just a regular guy in his old world.

          Why does he not get this emotional disturbance when he commits mass genocide somewhere?

          Well moving on to chapter 37. This chapter was quite weird for me. I intended to re write the whole chapters because I wanted to show how the little bit changes. But since it would be repetitive, I just showed highlights about each point leading up to that moment.

          It showed what was kept the same, and what was different. If you're reading just that chapter, you might not understand this, but if you go back to the previous chapters, you just need to glance and you can see what changes affected the final outcome.

          Final word, for my readers who read from chapter 1, I'm sure you realize this is a major shift in tone from the usual, ridiculous humor. Does this mean I want to change what kind of novel this is? Nope. I like writing comedy, and I will continue doing so. However, I don't want to do a simple linear story. It'll get boring soon enough. Instead, I wanted to give you the an enjoyable comedy, without sacrificing an actual thick plot. Kind of like Gintama.

          Thanks for listening up to this point. I hope you have a nice day.

          • It depends on context really. If a cliche is overused, sure it's boring. But there are some authors, that purposely use these, to evoke a change in their character. Spoilers for ISSTH

            ISSTH made Meng Hao start from the bottom to become strong, which is the originator of cliches to be honest. Then at the later stages, it shows how he feels grief, he becomes a mortal, and finally after reaching the top, becoming indifferent to the changes that occur. After a few years of watching his friends die one by one, he finally achieves enlightenment. It really captures the struggle he goes through, even though he has all that power, he in the end, can't stop his friends from suffering t.

            So in short. Authors need to be given time, to show people that their MCs can evolve. It just needs time and the audience needs to have the patience to go through the end with them.

            But just my 2cents.

          • My cover was done on canvas, and I see no reason to change since it fits the title. But who knows, maybe I'll request from QI it for later uses.

            • Very descriptive novel which I really enjoy. It's heading in an interesting direction. I'm looking forward to where it goes.

            • Since I can't find any thread (or see any) that allows you to promote your original novels and basically see people make their own threads, I made one. Promote your original works here, I would love to read new ideas that you came up with.

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