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- Mar 20, 2024
- Joined Apr 20, 2023
"Guys! Look, Presley, you were right. what should we do?" I shouted instinctively causing them to stop talking and paying attention to me."Well now that we know for sure, call the police Gail and stay with Amelia. Homer, grab that newsstand by the entrance of the bookstore and follow me," Presley said as he ran off ahead.
The portable newsstand was behind me so it was easy for Homer to take. I dialed 911 as I moved out of the way. I was already so flustered that when I got in touch with the police dispatcher Amelia had to help me. I was able to answer the basic questions like my name but Amelia had to take over to direct them to which street the crime was taking place. I guess since this is her second year she's more familiar with street names than me. She seemed much more composed than I was. Then I looked over to what Presley and Homer were doing.
I was confused when I saw that the portable newsstand was placed across the street with them on the public pavement near the van. What was he planning to do with it? Then the van suddenly decided to speed off. Then Presley and Homer pushed it from the pavement into the roadway. As it tried to swerve to avoid the collision it had to stop.
Then I understood what they were doing. It was to cause a commotion for others to take notice. Since it swerved other vehicles coming in the other direction had to stop also. That also caused other persons across the street to take notice as car horns started to blow. Since I didn't see the girl on the pavement anymore I had to assume that the vehicle had gotten the girl in it already. As the car tried to straighten out to let the traffic flow back to normal I knew that I had to help stall for time right now so the police would make it.
Amelia had finished talking to the police on my phone and tried to give me it back. But I had another priority. So I ran back into the mall-like book store which I believe to have owned the newsstand to get their attention to what was happening. Octo followed me and ran into the store barking loudly which even caused some customers to run out. That was what I cause because they would likely think the dog was mine and focus on me. Then Octo calmed down and ran back outside passing me.
"Your newsstand is in the street blocking traffic," I shouted as I pointed outside. The car horns were still very much loud gaining a lot of attention. I went outside followed by two of the workers who wanted to see what was going on.
Amelia then came with her dog on the leash who started barking when he saw me and she said, "Gail, I was trying to tell you the police are on their way."
"Yeah I know, but I needed to do something first to help out the boys' plan," I answered as I watched one of the workers from the store run into traffic to get the newsstand.
Then one of the drivers put his head out of his car window and shouted at the worker, "You dumb jerks should learn to keep your stupid books off the street. It's bad enough I have to deal with it on the walkway."
One worker replied, "Well the way your talking maybe picking up one of them to read every now and then will do you some good."
That statement just offended the man in the car even more and that caused more cars to come to a halt as they continued throwing insults at one another. The other worker was trying to defuse the situation between them by trying to move both the stand and her co-worker out of the way. The criminals now saw that if they were going to make a clean getaway they had to leave right now.
They tried reversing back to turn and change direction since the newsstand was slowly moving out of the way by the arguing worker from the bookstore. Then Octo started howling which was followed by the sound of sirens. We just need to keep them here a little while longer. So without giving it a second thought, I grabbed the newsstand from the worker who had just made it on the pavement with both the stand and her coworker and pushed it in the van's way again.
It crashed into it this time destroying the stand and I heard the worker who was arguing say to the other with irritation in his tone, "I don't understand why management keeps making us put these stands out here when people clearly hate them."
It sounds interesting and I will read it. If you want you can check out mine. It is also in the drama genre and recovering from emotional hurt.
Hi everyone, I'm new-ish here on Webnovel and this is my first time doing one of these. But if you're looking for a book that can reach the genre of teen fiction to young adult mixed with different mysteries along the way and does not just have one main character check out my novel. Drop in and comment as I would love to hear any thoughts even if it's just your overall enjoyment of the story. The link and description are below;
H.I.D.C.A is the name of the city Presley Qiaodi is a reserved 17-year-old boy of Asian descent and his best friend and now roommate Mitchum Charles since the first day of high school moved to attend college. Including being the name of the city, HIDCA has a darker meaning in slang by the locals which the two only realize the hard way.
So though the college itself is a technological advancement and a known safe place for students human problems still exist. The city isn't all fun and games and precautions need to be taken. The underside of crimes that happen every day is easily overlooked by others but mixed in with teen drama wouldn't blend well. Even though Presley seeks to avoid getting involved, he may find it harder to do so because of those around him and the direct linkage to those at his school which is supposed to be their safe space.
How Presley copes with city life through his experiences he never talks about may be just what it takes for him and his friend to survive their college experience.
H.I.D.C.A is the name of the city Presley Qiaodi is a reserved 17-year-old boy of Asian descent and his best friend and now roommate Mitchum Charles since the first day of high school moved to attend college. Including being the name of the city, HIDCA has a darker meaning in slang by the locals which the two only realize the hard way.So though the college itself is a technological advancement and a known safe place for students human problems still exist. The city isn't all fun and games and precautions need to be taken. The underside of crimes that happen every day is easily overlooked by others but mixed in with teen drama wouldn't blend well. Even though Presley seeks to avoid getting involved, he may find it harder to do so because of those around him and the direct linkage to those at his school which is supposed to be their safe space.
How Presley copes with city life through his experiences he never talks about may be just what it takes for him and his friend to survive their college experience.
Well, I think this novel is filled with laughs at least the comments on it say lol. You can try it and see for yourself
Sure I just added yours to my collectionMoonstone_novels17
Cool contemporary romance, I'll check it out if you're interested in reading a mystery you can read mine also. is neither Harem nor Cultivation
Hi I've been told this book has a sort of Sci-Fi vibes but its really an urban fantasy and you can give it a try to see if you like it.;
H.I.D.C.A is the name of the city Presley Qiaodi is a reserved 17-year-old boy of Asian descent and his best friend and now roommate Mitchum Charles since the first day of high school moved to attend college. Including being the name of the city, HIDCA has a darker meaning in slang by the locals which the two only realize the hard way.So though the college itself is a technological advancement and a known safe place for students human problems still exist. The city isn't all fun and games and precautions need to be taken. The underside of crimes that happen every day is easily overlooked by others but mixed in with teen drama wouldn't blend well. Even though Presley seeks to avoid getting involved, he may find it harder to do so because of those around him and the direct linkage to those at his school which is supposed to be their safe space.
How Presley copes with city life through his experiences he never talks about may be just what it takes for him and his friend to survive their college experience.
So I've never read that novel you're speaking of there but I can recommend one that has a slice-of-life aspect though it is more of what I would call a mystery novel. Here's the link and you can read the synopsis to see if it's something you would be interested in.Not cultivation but I'm putting the synopsis so you will see if it's something you're interested in. Here's the link and I promise the story isn't brainless. is the name of the city Presley Qiaodi is a reserved 17-year-old boy of Asian descent and his best friend and now roommate Mitchum Charles since the first day of high school moved to attend college. Including being the name of the city, HIDCA has a darker meaning in slang by the locals which the two only realize the hard way.
So though the college itself is a technological advancement and a known safe place for students human problems still exist. The city isn't all fun and games and precautions need to be taken. The underside of crimes that happen every day is easily overlooked by others but mixed in with teen drama wouldn't blend well. Even though Presley seeks to avoid getting involved, he may find it harder to do so because of those around him and the direct linkage to those at his school which is supposed to be their safe space.
How Presley copes with city life through his experiences he never talks about may be just what it takes for him and his friend to survive their college experience.
Just added yours to my library
Here's mine
Do check out mine also, here it is and thanks
I would like to do a review swap and collection with you if you want let me know. Here's mine
Ok sure I just added yours to minePeculiarAnn
I would like to check out your book added it to my collection. Can you also check out mine?
Hmm alright then I prefer to read but if you are ok with that then fine I can