How will i buy something that didnt exist?? Put SS back !!

- Aug 30, 2023
- Joined May 9, 2018
Edit this shit there's no more spirit stones !!!
Just updated my webnovel today and wow!
All my favorite novels have 50+ updates!!
Opened one of the novels and Boom!
I coincidentally have about 43 SS so i didnt have the chance to buy one ╥﹏╥
Turns out its a scam haha!
Thank god im not rich in SS !!
Too bad for people who only have about 400+ something SS you wont be able to read without additional costs because its still locked!!!Just finished reading Only i level up novel and i feel so frustrated just came to vent here at forums hehe i recommend it so much for others who havent read it yet!!!if you guys have some recommended novel for me please comment !! Video game,Eastern Fantasy,Or any novels like Only i level up please!!
- In Just sharing
I just updated webnovel and was shocked to see the new things in explore! But the most weird fact is that i spent 5 minutes finding the Whats new to vote my energy stone and i still didn't find it. Then it clicked on my head that i just need to go to the place where you get rewards and press the vote energy stone. If others encountered the same problem just comment hehe or am i the dumb one for not finding it??
- In Help
Guys help me like my review on zombie sister strategy just posted it and i think you will be able to see in the newest reviews i really want the council of bookworm badge i spent all day yesterday reading it for the review. I know im being petty but so what its for the badge yeah the badge!!!
Why is it that when i walk on the streets or in school when people see me reading webnovel they always ask "Is that wattpad?" And I'm like "Nope" and they ask " Then whats that? " and i say " webnovel" they ask again " So whats that?" And im like whatever .
Dear webnovel please make a difference between us and wattpad readers!
Turns out ultimate scheming system did become premium @_@ sad
I wish my dream is not true because it will really hurt me i am really poor right now (spirit stones)because of all the other novels im reading so please let my dream be just a dream never to come true!!! JUST SHARING :)
Mahesvara007 truetruetrue just now i encountered those ad walls and im poor so i spent seconds watching those
What to do when almost 5 of my favorite novels go Premium and my daily income is only 30 spirit stones?? none!!! Then i decided to read other novel while my spirit stones pile up then when i reached the 800th chapter??BAAM!!!! Premium again!!! MY mind's going crazy thinking about which novel to prioritize huhuhuhuhuhuhu :(
do i need to finish and send it before july 22?
would a 10 chapter novel be sufficient??
plz post it in facebook after yew xiu appears i will wait
Thank you thank you thank you soooooo much qidian for this nice presents!!!! I can finally read the latest chapter of TKA thanks to the 50% off. I can only get about 30 stones per day if I'm lucky so this is such a good opportunity!!
Ok thanks for the advice I really appreciate it
I want to write a novel and share it here to get some reviews and gain some experience for my future but I don't have a desktop. I only rely on my phone because I'm still a student. Wish the creating function will be available on mobile soon. When's the expected release of the creating function in the mobile??