Not liking this random pass bullshit. I have 6 fast passes I can not ever use, since I'm reading just The Mech Touch and it keeps giving me comic and random romance passes... bout to just give up entirely.

- Oct 20, 2023
- Joined Jun 25, 2019
- In I can't copy
Like I said, I never said it was the best idea. I don't even think it was a good idea. It is stupid in the extreme to believe that they can use methods like this to try to control digital ownership management rights on a publicly free publishing platform to begin with, but the major source of the problem at its roots is that anybody thinks they have the right to charge a single penny for it from the start. They do not own the original works. They are just providing a platform for translating the works.
Users here and elsewhere can join for free and enjoy free access. This access is paid for through us users needing to participate in rating the works, voting on them, and watching advertisements. Anything further is just being greedy.
People plagiarizing the translation works is an issue, but as you pointed out already, this is not a problem that can be solved. The site owners pulling this crap are too blinded by greed to even understand this point.
My point is that while I agree with you, the site owners are doing it for a reason; even if the reason is pretty stupid. ;)
- In I can't copy
I never said it was the best idea or way to fix their issue, just that this is what they are trying to do to control the issue.
- In I can't copy
The update is to prevent plagiarism from other people who are shamelessly copying the translated work from the translators here and posting it elsewhere as their own work.
For instance, just last week, I was reading a chapter on boxnovel, and not only was it copy/pasted, the idiot included the advertising request at the end where Webnovel is looking for editors for this and other novels.....
SS will expire if you don't use them... Check the rules and guidelines.
Nobody knows....
The troubles I've seen....
- Edited
badzelda I agree. If you have the ss for the priviledge, you should get to read them for free rather than paying extra. The way it is set up, you paid the extra for early access to up to 50 chapters, and then you still have to unlock. Plus, at the end of the month, the privilege access expires???
WTF did you pay for, then???
I guess nobody knows?
Click your tab where it shows your minutes count to get there quickly from your library tab. You can also go to your account tab where you check your current balance and click the right side button there to go to the same place.
It would appear that the rewards tab button was either not working properly or people complained that it was annoying or distracting and so it was removed.
- Edited
When some forums are created, if the owner is not careful and uses some strict coding rules, some words that are perfectly acceptable end up getting banned due to simple misunderstandings and poor language or grammatical capabilities.
I have a friend who has gotten two of these already. They have no idea how they were earned. I would like to get one of my own.