New version only has one type of link. Looks good.

- Joined Feb 12, 2018
Whatever the last update did, it also added * as a supported link, which means Webnovel will make itself the default app if no other app handles a link.
Go to any webpage in Firefox, and the click on the ... menu and click on Open in App. Assuming the site isn't registered with any other app, it will launch Webnovel, and for certain sites, ask for login credentials.
This is borderline malicious behavior, and needs to be fixed immediately.
Voting doesn't seem to register properly either. The Energy and Power stone voting bonus fast passes don't show as completed, nor did I receive the passes, but the stones are used up.
Smokescreen90s Updated to the 4.3.2, but no Fast Pass.
Smokescreen90s Updated to the 4.3.2, but no Fast Pass.
Same issue, also 4.3.1.
Well, I've posted my 26th chapter editing suggestions for RTW, and the TL did ask me if I wanted to join the editing team. But I have a full-time job, so I'm only doing this as a hobby.
Some of the chapters are pretty bad, and I rate the translation as such, and, yes, a good reporting system where I could highlight the text and the type the edit directly would be a great idea. Something like Word's comment system.
I submitted a comment on chapter 740 of RtW pointing out a bunch of errors in the chapter, but since it was in the comment thread, it was buried, probably around 400+ comments down (mind you, somebody did like my comment, so some people do take the time to scroll through the comments).
It would be nice to have a separate reporting or commenting system for translation errors, so things like this can be reported properly, and people that spam on the separate system would be penalized.
On the Android app, the level page that shows the number of energy and power stone received is incorrect. I am level 2 and the rewards shown is for level 3.
So is there no way to sign up with email using the invite link? I have a friend who doesn't really like to expose her social accounts (bad experience and all that).