
  • Oct 11, 2024
  • Joined Aug 7, 2020
  • Benny_Manatee I've added your story into my library. Gonna read and write you a review, though it would take a bit longer. I would truly appreciate it, if you do the same to my story, in here :

    For anyone also, your reviews are most welcome, but please don't feel obliged to.
    And please don't hesitate to demand a review from me, if there's any of your story desires for one.

    Thank you in advance~

    • Happy new year!
      It's a bit late though. I would say it nonetheless, and I have.

      Anyways, I'm looking forward for your kind support this year and I hope we all can get along well.
      First of all, excuse my rudeness for borrowing your precious time to read my simple story.
      So, here we go...

      Title : Sin of Kin
      Genre : Fantasy
      Synopsis :
      What's first come to one's mind when heard the word "devil"?
      Those who are arrogant, greedy, envious, full of lust, and wrath. An embodiment of pure evil.

      How about "humans" then?
      Those who are annoying, obnoxious, horrible, rude, arrogant, immoral, muddle, scornful, violent, threatening, breaking rules, damaging and hurting others out of greed.

      No one has ever said that humans are much better than those devils, yet in linear-perspective... humans are much worse than them.

      There is no such thing as "craftiness" on the list of seven deadly sins. The devils will never pretend to be a friend, the devils will never stab in the back. They are the type of enemy who will launch an attack upfront openly. As for humans, they will do everything they can to fulfill their ego and desires. Betraying, exploiting, poisoning, tricking, and eventually stabbing in the back. Enemies inside the blankets humans really are, who dare not show their real faces and tend to wear various kinds of inscrutable masks.

      And from here, the gray thread will begin to roll... casting its shades of gray.

      A pure-blooded devil who thinks that her kin are the most wicked, cruel, and vile. But sadly, this devil doesn't know another being called human yet, or maybe it's the opposite that it a fortune for her not to know humans?

      Nevertheless, this curious devil decided to initiate her little exploration in the human world, getting to know them more closely by leaving behind the kin she thinks the cruelest. Might be it would be a wise opening move if the first thing she learned about humans was their adage.

      Such as...
      "Curiosity killed the cat."

      Link : https://www.webnovel.com/book/sin-of-kin_18174678805564705

      And then we're going to wrap up. Hopefully my story could help you killing some boredoms of yours... even for a little bit. Happy reading and thank you in advance!
      ~ Houraji

      • Hi... I hope everyone has good days, feel safe and comfortable anytime anywhere.

        First of all, I want to thank Webnovel Forum to provide a very helpful place for small writers, in general, sharing their masterpieces and getting know each other... I really appreciate it.

        Without further ado, let me introduce my humble story. It has, for now, nine chapters. It will be added as time goes on. At the moment, I'm updating the story one chapter per week.

        So, this is my story :
        Title : Sin of Kin
        Genre : Fantasy
        Tags : #Action #Adventure #Gore #Horror #Thriller #Demon #Devil #Magic #Supernatural
        Synopsis :
        What's first come to mind when heard the word "devil"? Those who are arrogant, greedy, envious, full of lust, and wrath. An embodiment of pure evil.
        Then how about "humans"? Those who are annoying, obnoxious, horrible, rude, arrogant, immoral, muddle, scornful, violent, threatening, breaking rules, damaging and hurting others out of greed.
        No one has ever said that humans are much better than those devils, yet in common perspective... humans are much worse than them.
        There is no such thing as "craftiness" in the list of seven deadly sins. The devils will never pretend to be a friend, the devils will never stab in the back. They are type of enemy who will launch an attack from the front openly. As for humans... they will do everything they can to fulfill their desires. Betraying, exploiting, poisoning, tricking, and eventually stabbing in the back. Humans are enemies in the blankets who dare not show their real faces, and tend to wear various kinds of masks.
        And from here, the gray thread will begin to roll...
        A pure-blooded devil who thinks that her kin are the most wicked, cruel, and vile. But sadly, this devil doesn't know another creature called human yet, or maybe the opposite that's it a fortune for her not to know humans?
        Nevertheless, this curious devil decided to start exploring the human world, getting to know them more closely by leaving behind the kin she thinks the cruelest. Might be it would be a good idea if the first thing she learned about humans was their adage.
        Such as...
        "Curiosity killed the cat."

        Link : https://www.webnovel.com/book/sin-of-kin_18174678805564705

        And done,
        Thank you so much in advance I shall convey if you're willing to spend your precious free time to read my simple story. I wish you have a nice day.

        ~ Houraji

        • Hi, I've been offline for quite some time. I'm really sorry if I haven't reviewed any of your books because a week full of exams is right before my eyes, I have to focus on it for now. I've been added a lot of books in my library for me to read after the exams are over.

          I'll add any author's book (If there any) that I haven't add to my library, if he/she gives a review to my story, here

          It's not that I didn't want to take an initiative, in fact, I'm gladly to read and give a review first... unfortunately not this week.

          No force's included in here, feel free to read my story if you have a free time. It's only seven chapters and one chapter update per week for now.

          Thank you in advance, and once again forgive me if I can't take an initiative to read first.

          • Resurgent Review done, if you don't mind and have a free time please review my story as well,

            here's the link : https://www.webnovel.com/book/sin-of-kin_18174678805564705

            Title : Sin of Kin
            Weekly update

            Anyone who wants to do review swaps feel free to reply. Sure I'll review yours. In the meantime, it's only five chapters long, sure in the future it'll more than five.
            Thank you in advance :)

            • Hi... I'm a newcomer here. How do you do?
              Anyway I'm about to promote my humble, it only got five chapters yet it'll continue for sure and I update it weekly not the usual daily, but I hope for your thoughts and critics in which I shall appreciate. Thank you in advance!

              Title: Sin of Kin
              Link: https://www.webnovel.com/book/sin-of-kin_18174678805564705
              Genre: Fantasy, Thriller

              What's first come to mind when heard the word "devil"? Those who are arrogant, greedy, envious, full of lust, and wrath. An embodiment of pure evil.
              Then how about "humans"? Those who are annoying, obnoxious, horrible, rude, arrogant, immoral, muddle, scornful, violent, threatening, breaking rules, damaging and hurting others out of greed.
              No one has ever said that humans are much better than those devils, yet in common perspective... humans are much worse than them.
              There is no such thing as "craftiness" in the list of seven deadly sins. The devils will never pretend to be a friend, the devils will never stab in the back. They are type of enemy who will launch an attack from the front openly. As for humans... they will do everything they can to fulfill their desires. Betraying, exploiting, poisoning, tricking, and eventually stabbing in the back. Humans are enemies in the blankets who dare not show their real faces, and tend to wear various kinds of masks.
              And from here, the gray thread will begin to roll...
              A pure-blooded devil who thinks that her species are the most wicked, cruel, and vile. But sadly, this devil doesn't know another creature called human yet, or maybe the opposite, is it a fortune for her not to know humans?
              Nevertheless, this curious devil decided to start exploring the human world, getting to know them more closely by leaving behind the species she thinks the cruelest. Might be it would be a good idea if the first thing she learned about humans was their adage.
              Such as...
              "Curiosity killed the cat."

              Web Novel Novel Ask