Gamercat Yeap they did, I also demanded for them to do something about it, but what can i expect, all they said was they were sorry and will clearly state it next time.

- Dec 22, 2019
- Joined Jan 24, 2019
They are "suppossed" to be "giving" "multiplied" ss or other stones as sign in but it no longer works. As always, service sucks and everything is just for profit. I no longer buy ss.
Gamercat I also got scammed by this. Only bought the lowest though. I emailed them saying about their vague description and they insisted that I am not qualified bec its not my first ever purchase despite the first said description of enclosed dates. And then when I checked their promo again, they included already the "from date of registration" part.
JuneBaby yes, i am also expriencing it too, and when i see an update here, i can finally read it on wuxia. Hahaha. So i just add the story here to keep me updated and read it there.
DarkICEwhite89 you can try to send them email stating your concerns, but the most they will do may be just give you back the ones you spent your ss on if you know which parts those are. On the other hand, the chapters unlocked from monthly subs usually closes after the subs end, so you really can't do anything about it.
biblio1011 They are using this privilege chapters in exchange for monthly subs, that is for sure. We can no longer hope for a monthly subscription now since quidan's/webnovel's top priority is profit.
Upsie daisy~
Klesk same here, that is why i am really just waiting for the free stobes and i read on other free sites instead
greychimp i cant download the app even though i click on the icon at the top most. Can yoi send me a link of the app directly?
ace_cap Sure, no worries with it. I am open to any genre and I enjoy most so far from what I have read. Oh, so nice! Thank you!
mysterious_being So true,I have read a few premium but the way they were written was not really proof read at all so somehow some parts of the novels are either really confusing or a bit too obvious. Hoping to find some gems soon too!
mysterious_being Sure, I will check your as well! Its nice for some of you writers to provide free service so I just want to say a BIG THANK YOU for all the efforts and sharing your talents!!
gents46 Thank you so much for those list! Can't wait to finish these all! Avid reader, just can't stop reading one novel at a time.
ace_cap I will surely check those out too! Thank you for those suggestion. Will be able to find them easier too.
CCmei yeah, I guess I really have to dig deep inorder to find the free ones but Im up for it once I'm done with my reviews. Thanks for the reply as well!
PaperbackWriter Hi, thank you for that suggestion. I will check that out too and put it in my list of to read! Thanks again and do continue to write and inspire everyone.
Veronica8 Yeah, of course they (WN) will make sure that the paid ones are better advertised so they (WN) could gain more. Sad though but yeah can't do anything about it too. Thank you for the suggestion as well. I will check out your works too when I am done with some of my list. Cheers!