Ellora25 well I read romance only but it only gives me adventure type fps

- Sep 24, 2022
- Joined Apr 17, 2019
- Edited
Ellora25 you can find out what type you have by going to your profile page and click on your fps/fast passes and then click on the arrow that is next to the thing that says the amount of fps you have ( it's like on a green panel.) It will categorise the fps you have to a certain genre and all-works fps. It will say what genre or novel/ comic it can unlock. I'm sorry if you don't understand. I'm horrible at explaining things.
Ellora25 It's only a certain genre that you can use it
I'm really sad that the check-in fps only work for a certain genre and it's either novel or comic. I don't even read the genre that is provided to use fps. Is it possible to change it back to how it was before?
It's back again
Am I the only one who can't find it since yesterday?
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It might be that your FPs are not all-work fastpasses which works for every novel and comic instead it's only for a specific novel. It's their new update
Try checking your history. There's a icon at your library that looks like 3 dots ••• like this and click on history
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I read an hour and earn nothing..... Please help!!! I even saw someone commented that they had the same situation. I'm honestly kinda mad.
I thought I was the only one
I've reported this already hope they answer
For some reason, my limited free options is gone it's it only me? I really want to know.
QueenCL I've read your book before and it is really good
RABBITICOL Really‽‽ When? How come if didn't see it....
Can someone tell me how to change book cover in the app itself in an Android cause I'm getting really anxious about it
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL Mass Release: 46 Translation works and 17 Original novels!!
Can you also do some mass release on comics like The Star Reborn: The Queen's Return, The Prince's Private Sweetheart or The Ghost Bride etc.
If you can't I understand it's not a mustGegeSadewa I agree