Decreased All-work fast pass
3 a day now 2 a day
Daily reward changed now i can't use new fast pass on novels i read. New fast pass is useless to me. Now one less chapter i read.
New fast passes
Not only that but some of those genre fp's are comic restricted when you want to read novels only. Also, the weekly check-in bonus has changed from an all-works fast pass to 5 EXP. And EXP is the single most useless thing on this platform. Please undo the changes. PLEASE.
TheSingular Did you get a fast pass from the bonus login? I swear the times I’ve done it I only got like 5 or 10 EXP
Thats all you ever got as a check in bonus. Nothing new or different there.
Sigh... every day they cultivate the dao of stupidity and greed.
hysteria08 I want the spirit stones back
After the long line of limitations in combination the most recent change where no longer 3 free pass are given You as the administration make it impossible to use the app without pay. With three FP it was possible the read and follow one story and with small support a second. Now 33% reduction make it a necessity to pay for using the app. There for losing the competitive value of a free platform and a loss to the paying platform with professional writers.
I’m hating the new fast pass it’s so stupid. I’ve used up all of my coins because the fast passes I have are useless. I hope that they are listening to us and not just finding more ways to make this more frustrating
IgnitedPie agreed
Katie_Torres_3147 Believe me, they have not listened once so far. And they never will unless most of the users delete their accounts. Which won't happen with all these loyal 'writers'. They support the new system. I miss how it was 2-3 years ago. I'd leave, too, but they ensure other apps don't have any of Qidian's novels now, which are most CN webnovels
TheSingular guess what
We cannot read novels either. I tried to read a novel, it said fast pass not useable
YulongYuXianTaiyin yeah we do not get these books other places
Ellora25 but you do
SusshiRoll where can I get them?
- Edited
Ellora25 just search up the title on google or whatever searching site and add boxnovel or wuxiaworld at the end.
I still get all work fps
Ellora25 It's only a certain genre that you can use it
It's really not ideal that there is a specific genre that the fast passes are only used for..so dissatisfied and disappointing..
It's very disappointing.
Jeanna_Tiong The most annoying thing about this is we can't even tell which fast pass we have and how much! Like there is only one fast pass notification symbol and it says I have four fast pass but not what type.