I only read with qidian app because I can download the chapters -_-

- Apr 13, 2020
- Joined Dec 12, 2017
The chapter 727 is missing. Should be:
Chapter 726: Calculating The Bill Wrong
Chapter 727: I Absolutely Detest Cheaters
Chapter 728: Who Gives A Crap About Heavenly Dukes?!However in webnovel 727 is named and is 728.
Am I the only one missing the point?
a portion of SS which should have expired remained usable.
Basically you could use the SS that should have expired? Isn't that a good thing? And you even get them back?
More like with the last update ;)
Or at least with the last update they showed how to access it as the Landscape mode does not hook up to the default screen rotation - you need to manually enable it from text settings.Also very annoying that in landscape mode you can not see the menu. For example to adjust text size / brightness you need to exit landscape mode make the adjustment and then re-enter it. Also you can not see the cross reference to jump to a specific chapter :(
They added screen rotation! /party
However there is still a bug... If you lock screen while in the landscape mode when you unlock it will take you to the beginning of the chapter instead of where you left off... :(
We all want moneys! Nothing will change dat! Every 1 is a greedy basturd! Some make it obvious and some don't! Eastern culture makes it obvious while western tries to hide it! That where we are now. Qidian is making it obvious while saying u still get something for free so stfu! :D
I learned about this to late q.q now the last 5 chaps of release that witch are locked q.q
It allows you to cultivate patience or be creative when searching for alternatives! :D
We will most likely move back to wuxiaworld... :D
I'm not sure if this is already posted somewhere but still...
What is the reason for not implementing screen rotation (auto-rotation or w/e other terms there is) in the android application? I sometimes tend to read novels during my many travels and one of the biggest thing that annoys me is that the webnovel application does not support screen rotation! When I read I want to see more text per line instead of seeing more lines! Also 95% phone case stands actually hold your phone horizontally on the table instead of vertically! And thus with having no screen rotation support I am forced to read while holding my phone instead of being able to place it on a table!So what can possibly prevent qidian from implementing this? As far as I know 95% of android development kits natively support screen rotation and it is just a matter of enabling it! If you need help doing it stackoverflow and google has all the info required! Such a simple and native smart phone feature is annoying the hell out of me! Its just a few extra lines of code containing an if clause and a screen rotation event. Since your app mostlikely already supports multiple resolutions based on screen size this change shouldn't take you more then 1 hr to google and implement!
I assume it might be a translation error...
I am confused how does currency work in this novel? So far I've seen silver, gold, dollars and from the context they all seemed to have the same value...