334:1 Not exactly a great ratio. But the ratios will always get worse the longer a novel exists.

- Joined Apr 18, 2018
BerriApplepi Sunday at midnight. But it's GMT+8 which is early Sunday for anyone in NA. And during the afternoon for EU.
Modsan Someone necro'd it. I just responded to an unanswered question.
You get one view per chapter a reader looks at. So a novel's actual number of readers is usually far lower than the view count. It's how some novels can easily make it to 1m+ views. If you have 100 chapters, that's only around 10k readers.
AardwarkThe2nd Actually milk only had about 300 1star reviews. The rest were all 5star that he and a fan left. They've finally been deleted now, but for about two months there were 700+ 5star reviews on that novel from just two people.
There's a few discords even.
Translators can use them. Us original authors cannot.- Edited
I've created a novel for the eSports contest. It's fast paced and pretty fun. Check it out!
eFate: The Tournament
https://www.webnovel.com/book/12102165406925305/eFate%3A-The-TournamentOoooh review mine. A mix of brutal/nice is fine. I can take it XD