
  • Nov 30, 2020
  • Joined Dec 2, 2017
  • zhiruyi with all due respect miss your not thinking wide enough. If this actually is presented to court and all then it probably will gain some ground. It isnt uncommon for differnt countries to treat foreigners with less respect with their own people which leads to cases like this. Ergo if derper has a good lawyer then the sky is the limit because it challenges international and trade agreements which makes for an intresting case for any feisty lawyer. I frankly believe it should go through even if just to fail, maybe QI will finally realize the passion their readers have.

  • kristinabressler Hey! So there is an option to gift at the bottom of each chapter. There might be novels without the option I'm not sure

    • You guys got hella off topic real fast. Look we all know we are getting screwed. Their premium account set up was brilliant and it was good for all of us. However they chose to disengage it because of greed. All they've done with privellage is repackage the spirit stone system yo make some more. The fact of the matter is you do not spend as much on regular books as you do on qidian for a singular novel. However that isnt the authors fault. You have to realize the authors only get a percentage of the money QI gets the lions share. To make their writing worth while authors are forced to set high prices to maintain a steady income. My point is arguing semantics wont grt you anywhere. If your lucky they'll settle in the law suit but it wont change the over all bussiness model. If you want change everyone form wvery continent needs to act.
      Someone earlier mentioned something about how a qidian chapter is worth not much in Chinese currency. Have you ever read that cooking novel where the chef gets the cooking system and opens up in modern day China (I forget the exact name I had to drop it for obvious reasons) I there is a part where the MC mentions how foreign customers must pay the same amount in their own currency. Say 100 yuan for a dish then for an American Ltd be 100 dollars. That is basically qidian at this time. All of the foreigners are getting screwed and frankly the nationalism is unfair to everyone else.
      Those are my two cents.

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