BigMike72 Not really, at this time I honestly just want the EU to ban qidian from operating on EU territory.
Since it is obvious that tencent/Qidian/Webnovel has and never will change their mo.

Are you really that daft'd that you don't think that this Privilege scheme is anything but a cheat? Same goes for all the other platforms that use similar schemes to pluck cash from your pocket.

In all seriousness I'm not angry or upset, I knew this was coming from back when Qidian forced the translators who were doing the translations to stop or move to their platform, from there they then went on to introduce ad's /SS to read chapters. And well now we have the newest scheme for a fast cash grab.

If you honestly can't see past your own interpretation of my words and see the truth of the situation then I have nothing more to say to you.

Look at the big picture here mate, don't be petty.

    KingDerp Yes consumer law protects people, but companies who act to address issues are protected, in fact applauded as they are seen as responsive to consumers. Webnovel did that when the confusion occurred two ways, compensation plus corrected the information to be more clearer.
    Your constant complaint seems to be you have an interpretation and as your interpretation is not delivered then it is exploitive behaviour. That is not.
    I wish you luck but hope you lose as you can only think about yourself not all the other users around the world.

    KingDerp I don't really care about the privilege scheme since I feel like people who buy into the "privilege of being robbed," a privilege they're not forced into, deserve to be damned.

    However, you've been talking about excessive pricing of the company when in my understanding, it is authors and translators that set their prices (in the case of privileged chapters).

    Are you going to sue every single one of them too?

      KingDerp Last response because I don’t want to make you feel bullied or anything due to having a different opinion than me on this issue. You have all the right in the world to pursue what you want to pursue and to be unhappy about whatever. You made a statement that I can’t let go though.

      You asked, “are you so daft that you can see that the whole privilege program is exploiting us?” I know it’s a rough paraphrase but it captures to spirit of your question so I won’t quibble the semantics but the heart of your question.

      Are you? I’m not the one threatening a law suit, calling in the EU, talking to lawyers, or preaching the gospel of corporate greed and exploitation to the internet. If it’s so obvious then why use the app? Why invest your precious money not once, but twice? Why post on 13 other forum posts about their illegal activity if it’s a foregone conclusion?

      Yes, they are providing an exclusive service at a premium. They aren’t selling crack to kids. Your old enough to make a decision on your own. Is the cost exaggerated, yes!!! Is the privilege service confusing, yes!!! So, they still provided what they said they would. As an adult, I have to take responsibility when I use my money in a unintelligent way not blame someone for taking my money when I made a poor decision.

      I’m not an employee, translator, author, or collaborator in a conspiracy. I am a huge fan of these works who is burning time waiting for my free chapters to catch back up with my unlocked privilege ones from last month. 3 more days and I am back to my favorite story. I know if I spent the money thinking 50 more chapters I would be super bummed. Your still 50 chapters ahead of everyone who didn’t pay so there’s that! Gl with changing everything.

        what are you comparing to in regards to unfair pricing? ive been to a lot of translating sites and have you ever seen their patreons? i think the last ones i looked at was $80 for 40 advance chapters. some that release more updated chapters each week after reaching a certain total like 1 chapter for $500, 2 for 1000, etc on top of the regular update and advanced chapters based on how much you spend. then theres support bars like $35 for 1 chapter only. cant use any free spirit stones there. not saying i like the privilege or anything, but it seems on par with others

          Feng_Sha OMG, this is worst! I won't charged my readers like that! Webnovel seems a better choice compare to this Patreon thing. If you don't subscribe to privilege thingy, then no problem, I guess.

          Those who buy privilege are those stupid rich young master mentioned in the novel from top to down. Those person are willing to get scammed even though they know. Why? Cause they have no brain but money..
          PS: no offense to those who buy. I am just joking. Your money your choice

            You guys got hella off topic real fast. Look we all know we are getting screwed. Their premium account set up was brilliant and it was good for all of us. However they chose to disengage it because of greed. All they've done with privellage is repackage the spirit stone system yo make some more. The fact of the matter is you do not spend as much on regular books as you do on qidian for a singular novel. However that isnt the authors fault. You have to realize the authors only get a percentage of the money QI gets the lions share. To make their writing worth while authors are forced to set high prices to maintain a steady income. My point is arguing semantics wont grt you anywhere. If your lucky they'll settle in the law suit but it wont change the over all bussiness model. If you want change everyone form wvery continent needs to act.
            Someone earlier mentioned something about how a qidian chapter is worth not much in Chinese currency. Have you ever read that cooking novel where the chef gets the cooking system and opens up in modern day China (I forget the exact name I had to drop it for obvious reasons) I there is a part where the MC mentions how foreign customers must pay the same amount in their own currency. Say 100 yuan for a dish then for an American Ltd be 100 dollars. That is basically qidian at this time. All of the foreigners are getting screwed and frankly the nationalism is unfair to everyone else.
            Those are my two cents.

            Fiona_Singer Dear, I don't think the privileged systems is compulsory in the first place, if you don't want to buy, you can simply wait for general updates. It's as simply as anything.
            The one who posted this stuff will loose more money than he had already lost if he takes this case to court, because it will be simply struck out.

              zhiruyi with all due respect miss your not thinking wide enough. If this actually is presented to court and all then it probably will gain some ground. It isnt uncommon for differnt countries to treat foreigners with less respect with their own people which leads to cases like this. Ergo if derper has a good lawyer then the sky is the limit because it challenges international and trade agreements which makes for an intresting case for any feisty lawyer. I frankly believe it should go through even if just to fail, maybe QI will finally realize the passion their readers have.

              It is very bad that after paying for the previledge chapters you can not unlock the chapters you paid special money for

                BigMike72 Hey, you’re probably right, I mean you do make a valid point - we did let our anxiety take control of our financial reasoning which is why we were sucked into paying over 200% more to read our favorite stories. But, as a victim let me say - you’re an a***, a super, duper a***! Have a nice life 🙏.

                zhiruyi Hey! Nice to see you have time for this 😀. Can you please get back to updating your novel now? At least I’m allowed access to that one.

                  NewCultivator Oh plenty offense taken. You’re both insensitive and uncultured to brand people ‘stupid’ just because they trusted in a system. Who do you think suffers if people read these books for free on other sites? Authors, translators, editors etc. that’s who! My eagerness to read a story ahead is a credit to the effort and time these folks put in to get their work out there so don’t just go shooting off your mouth and keep your rubbish thoughts to yourself! I****!!!

                  actually, there's this comic app i downloaded back then. after three chapters, it's hecking locked and there is no way to unlock it unless you pay for it. we are able to get around 175-250 free ss weekly. at least 45 chapters for novels with short chapters, around 25 for mid length chapters, around 15 for long chapters. for novels with short chapters, update rate is around 20 per week and you can manage reading two of them. for novels with mid length, 14 or less. for novels with long, 7. it's your choice whether you want to read a lot of novels or what. privileged chapters will still be unlocked eventually, you just have to wait.

                  you're gonna sue webnovel just because you bought something and you think it's too much. why don't you sue patreon too?

                    Bhy85 I think he's speaking nonsense or at least outdated information. I have chapters bought in late 2016 on Qidian, and it's still unlocked for me.



                      Me too, i am here since 2017 and i don't need to buy a single chap again (exept for those that where relocked because they where free)

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