as far as i know there isn't a way to do that sadly........if it was it would be on the little tab you can use while in a book/comic to make it brighter/darker ect.

- 13 Jan
- Joined Nov 19, 2017
Honestly i wish they would settle on something and leave it.........obviously several of us need the free fast passes daily.......but they keep on changing it so often to where we get all these issues....there was a time were you could get 3-4 fast passes a day and it was honestly the perfect amount for me, but it just keeps on getting lower and lower........or you get the bonus or extra claims and it gives you novel specific ones of the crap you dont read or hate its annoying........
i think it would be better for the fast passes to be for every novel and they should get rid of the genre/novel specific ones as myself and several people i don't use 99% of those ones.
So I updated webnovel on my android and everything was going well until the daily reset and I went to go do my daily voting only to learn that the thing for voting with the energy stones isn't there....theres not fast pass reward, no link to even go check those novels out even.......but i still have energy stones to use for voting.......thought it might be a bug on the android so i checked the website only to have the same exact issue........
I use fast passes to read the books on was already hard enough trying to get those few daily to read the books im reading, but now this happens and its down to 1 fast pass a day unless im lucky with the video rewards......
How do i use my energy stones to vote because nothing is taking me to that page not even its address currently there is no way to vote using energy stones.........are they going to get rid of them or something or what?
the MC is male and is a assassin and has a adopted sister/servant that him or his father took in. I also believe that the mc is a doctor or something like that on the surface and that being a assassin is a family job and secret as his father is one and raised his son in special training. I also believe that either the MC or his adopted sister/servant has silver hair as well.
Snoopy3242 no thats not it either sadly...
I am having the same issue.....chapters wont load on my computer..........on the app its working perfectly fine but not on the computer....
i have deleted my history on it, and then shut it down for 5 min then start it back up and still having the issue....
i have logged out and it still wont load.......log back in and nothings changed.....
So I can see my library and how far along i am in every book/comic im reading but when i go to click it ......the chapters wont load, and the table of contents wont I literally can't use the website for reading on my computer anymore..........makes me frustrated and def considering not using this site anymore as you can find 99% of their books on other sites anyways.
- Edited
on the computer click your icon and click the membership thing....then it has a pop up and at the bottom of it there is a click here to manage your subscription will take you to a page that has a option to cancel your subscription.....the typing is small and also includes details of the membership ect ....the click here should be blue
it should take you too the following
- Edited
I am looking for a light novel / manga that was really long.... The main character was a boy with long black hair and gold eyes i think he was also chosen by the light or something and his mother raised him. Once he hit a certain age he wanted to be a knight so his mother arranged for someone to come teach him. Later on he met his father who finished teaching him and he also showed his son his power....which turned out to be a throne of destruction and there are several other thrones of power some with people who own them and some without. They are fighting demons. The MC ends up going to another town and he meets a girl with blonde hair thats a knight and she helps him and they become friends. Later on in the novel he ends up meeting a girl that has dark powers and we she can't fully control them or something she has black hair and purple eyes if i remember correctly. The MC also ends up going into demon territory as a spy for a mission...and i believe he meets a couple of the demon generals as well as the demon king on accident. He does get back to human territory safely..... He also goes through a thing to get mount....the girl with blonde hair gets a unicorn while the boy fails and does a special summoning thing to locate one and it shows up as a little lizzard that gets 2 heads and i believe it ends up getting a 3rd head and possibly turning into a dragon or something?
i really need help finding this novel but for the life of me i cant remember what it is.
I have yet to locate the book any help is welcomed
reema93 Click the fast pass number on your computer/cellphone. It will take you to a statement page, and on that click the number of your fast passes again. A pop up will then com up showing you your fast passes and whether they are all purpose or single purpose. If they are single purpose then it will also tell you the genre or the book it is will also tell you the expiration date of the fast pass no matter what type it is.
Sussy_baaka It is a single work fast pass. Click the fast pass number on your computer/cellphone. It will take you to a statement page, and on that click the number of your fast passes again. A pop up will then com up showing you your fast passes and whether they are all purpose or single purpose. If they are single purpose then it will also tell you the genre or the book it is for.
I still need help finding this book please help!
So I remember reading a book a while back, but for the life of me I can't remember its title.
In the book when people become of age they create some type of stone or something and they add it to a item/object and it turns into something useful like a creature or something. The MC is a male.
His's mothers spirit creature/thing is a water jellyfish type of thing.
Also later on in the book in a valley he practices he finds a portal or something. He convinces his parents to buy the valley so they have the exclusive rights to the valley.
I am right there with you. Got a notification of a golden ticket but 0 idea on how to access it let alone use it. IF anyone figured out how to use it please let me know.
Ok thank you I honestly never knew about that as i have never gotten them. Sadly these ones are for a book i have 0 interest in reading -.-
So I had recently saved up some of my fast pass's so i could mass read on a book. I had 15 of them and used 10. I went to use another but it claims that i don't have them. YET when i look at my thing it says i have 5 of them left. So why can't i use those 5 fast pass's? Is this a bug or a glitch or what?