
- Apr 5, 2021
- Joined Jan 24, 2021
David_Neilsen Thank you, I will start on yours now!
Follow the adventures of a noble house cat who travels to another world to be born again into a king! Using the experiences of his previous lives will he be able to make a difference? Join him on his noble quest to unify the Felinian Empire!
40,000 words written so far! Nice beefy chapters!
- Edited
Follow the adventures of a noble house cat who travels to another world to be born again into a king! Using the experiences of his previous lives will he be able to make a difference? Join him on his noble quest to unify the Felinian Empire!
40,000 words written so far! Nice beefy chapters!
Up for some review swapping!
- Edited
Also the OP has every right to have a 'be nice or leave' policy.
Comparing it to Nazi Germany *ahem 'thought dichotomy' is ridiculous.
OP posed a simple question, people here are being insulting, childish and dismissive.
Calling somebody names is not the correct way to provoke critical thinking. It is not a constructive way to debate. You shouldn't be ridiculed for having a different opinion.
If you start throwing insults around. Generally its because people don't have a decent enough counter argument. So they resort to playground tactics.
No need for it in this setting.
Well you're certainly forcing the map to fit the ground.
And not actually saying anything in the process.
You're trying to justify (something, not clear what) by suggesting that the black death killed people and was passed around by rats.
It was, well done.
My main focus was from a today-onwards, stand point.
I thought I made that clear when I said:
Necroghan We should not consider ourselves part of the food chain, we have advanced beyond that.
So please tell me how your rant about the black death applies in a modern world?
With hygiene and medicine where it is right now?
Does your point hold any water?
No, we have advanced beyond that point in history.
I actually don't understand what your point is. Because you've failed to actually make one. You just spewed up a word-salad.
You're not actually correcting any of my points, though you seem to be under the misconception that you are.
As for your sharp right turn in logic on veganism, I did not make any leaps at all like that.
I stipulated that research had been done. There was conclusive evidence (plenty of documentaries on netflix you can watch for yourself). When I tried it for myself, I did feel better.
Necroghan We have the ability to live without hurting them. It's even healthier for us. This has been proven many times. All the lies you have been told about proteins and dairy by the meat industry. Is just that, lies.
I just presented some facts, not some crazy theory.
All my points are valid. They are not misleading. They are things I have experienced myself. I can only assume you dislike them because you somehow feel offended.
Or maybe it's cognitive dissidence. Who knows?
Follow the adventures of a noble house cat who travels to another world to be born again into a king! Using the experiences of his previous lives will he be able to make a difference? Join him on his noble quest to unify the Felinian Empire!32,000 words written so far! Nice beefy chapters!
Let the nose bopping commence!
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I've thought long and hard about animals. Please listen to my story and I will explain why I see them the way I do now.
When I was younger, I was sent to the middle east. It was 2009, it was not a pleasant place to be.
This one night, on the base, I found a mouse in a trap. It was caught by its tail and was very much alive.
I thought it would be funny to show my friends.
"Look at this mouse!"
They all thought it was funny, so did I.
But then they thought it would be funny to get deodorant and a lighter. Then we burned the mouse.
They all laughed as it screamed and squeaked. I felt sorry for it in the end, and crushed its head with a rock.
That bothered me for a long time. It still bothers me now. It bothered me more than shooting at people. I didn't feel bad when I shot at people, they were trying to shoot me and my friends, after all.
The mouse didn't try to hurt me. It couldn't hurt me. But I hurt the mouse. Because I felt like it.
After a long time feeling guilty, I looked into nutrition and the lives of animals that were only born to be devoured.
It was sickening, the conditions they live in, the standards of their lives.
It's easy to say 'survival of the fittest' but most people who say that couldn't run ten kilometres. 45 minutes of running, that's all it is (if you're fit) can you do it? Are you fit? 'Survival of the fittest' is said by people who just buy meat in nice little packets from a store, guilt free.
We shouldn't look at ourselves the same way we look at animals. So survival of the fittest means nothing.
Especially when the term is being used incorrectly.
Survival of the fittest is truly about adaptation to your environment, not the ability to kill.
We have the ability to live without hurting them. It's even healthier for us. This has been proven many times. All the lies you have been told about proteins and dairy by the meat industry. Is just that, lies.
I've been fully vegan for over a year now, I was a vegetarian for around two years before that. I am fitter, stronger and healthier than I've ever been before.
It only took me one week to adjust to a vegetarian diet. When I finally committed to doing it. It was easy.
The food tastes nice, no animals get hurt and it's good for you. So why don't people try it?
Because of cognitive dissidence. You don't want to change because you are in the wrong. Deep down, you know it, killing things is bad. Even a child knows that. So you tell yourself it must be the only way. But the fact remains, it is not.
80% of all the food we make on earth goes to feeding the animals that we end up killing to feed ourselves. Why don't we just cut out the middle man and eat that food ourselves? We could easily feed everybody on earth with that food.
Feeding everybody on earth. Adapting to the environment. Limited farmland being utilised for more efficient preservation of the species. That sounds like true 'survival of the fittest' to me.
We should not consider ourselves part of the food chain, we have advanced beyond that. We can create any kind of food without the need for bloodshed and pain. We are not competing with animals for food. Our rule is absolute, we are not comparable to animals in this way.
In my belief we should separate ourselves from animals. Just allow them to exist on their own. We don't need them to survive.
Unless you are under attack, or you are protecting someone else, there is no need to take a life.
Life is precious. We should all have a chance to live it.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
Edit: I neglected to answer your initial observation. But yes I believe that after a transitional period animals that do not display naturally aggressive tendencies towards humans, should have protective rights with more serious punishments enforced.
For example, right now I could go and kill my neighbours cat in the most gruesome way imaginable and I would only get a maximum of 2 years in prison.
That is not ok.
But equally, equal rights between humans and animals will not be possible because our natures are so inherently different.
A dog does not need a bus-pass once it becomes a senior citizen for example.
But I do believe things like cruelty, abuse, murder should all be crimes that can be fairly levied against humans who seek to harm and kill animals.
But again, does a cat know to stop and wait for traffic? It does not. If a cat dashes out into fast moving traffic, can a car driver fairly be sent to prison for cat-slaughter in that situation? Probably not.
People would take crimes against animals much more seriously but the actual practicality would be an issue. It would require a lot of new legislation.
But I definitely think it is something we should work towards as a species.
I also think you heart is in the right place. Don't let the haters get you down.
val_the_mysterious Thank you! Really enjoyed yours as well. Thanks for sharing!
Hi I'm interested in swapping reviews!
Also my book is currently in a competition so I'd really appreciate any power stones you could throw my way with the voting system!
Please consider if you think my book deserves it!!
Also I'd prefer genuine reviews, if possible, if my writing sucks I'd like to know, I won't hold a negative review against you. I'd really like to improve my writing.
Thank you for your time. I'm interested in swapping reviews!
Also my book is currently in a competition so I'd really appreciate any power stones you could throw my way with the voting system!
Please consider if you think my book deserves it!!
Also I'd prefer genuine reviews, if possible, if my writing sucks I'd like to know, I won't hold a negative review against you. I'd really like to improve my writing.
Thank you for your time.
Reviewed yours too mate! Honestly it's really good, your writing is way better than mine!! Thanks for sharing!Hi I'm interested in swapping reviews!
Also my book is currently in a competition so I'd really appreciate any power stones you could throw my way with the voting system!
Please consider if you think my book deserves it!!
Also I'd prefer genuine reviews, if possible, if my writing sucks I'd like to know, I won't hold a negative review against you. I'd really like to improve my writing.
Thank you for your time. I'm interested in swapping reviews!
Also my book is currently in a competition so I'd really appreciate any power stones you could throw my way with the voting system!
Please consider if you think my book deserves it!!
Also I'd prefer genuine reviews, if possible, if my writing sucks I'd like to know, I won't hold a negative review against you. I'd really like to improve my writing.
Thank you for your time. I'm interested in swapping reviews!
Also my book is currently in a competition so I'd really appreciate any power stones you could throw my way with the voting system!
Please consider if you think my book deserves it!!
Also I'd prefer genuine reviews, if possible, if my writing sucks I'd like to know, I won't hold a negative review against you. I'd really like to improve my writing.
Thank you for your time.