
  • Nov 25, 2023
  • Joined Jul 3, 2018
  • Eh... well I just grant my power stones to whatever last novel that I'm reading, even if it's new and I'm just trying it out. As long as it's not horrendous I'll give it my power stones. I'm too lazy to go through my library to go look for any specific novel to give PS to. I mean... the PS button is right there for me to click already. Next week I might forget about the book or I'm trying something else new and that gets my PS instead.

    • It really doesn't help how the site is marketing their books to the female audience, and the choices they make in what books to release a majority of the time. It's very narrow in its scope. The good way to see it is the female audience is choosing a decent bunch out of a sea of the sameness of choices they are familiarized with.

    • Things I treat with extreme prejudice:

      -ML who has no other occupation other than to be FL's tagalong. His resume is "FL's ML". Don't you have a job to do? A kingdom to run? Someone to off? Go turn yourself into a proper character please.
      -Love triangles - this pretty much kills 50% of c-stories for me, but I bear with it.
      -Overly descriptive attributes for F or M leads. I didn't need the 101th time the author has told me how gorgeously flowing their locks are. We get it. They're the primordial sun that outshines everyone while they burn all other peasants to a crisp for not being worthy enough.
      -Heroines with their IQ in the negative digits, gullible, and jumping into traps & misunderstandings like it's a buffet and they're a starving desert island survivor.

      What I look for:

      -A strong heroine.
      -Heroines who have other important things to do besides being in a romance. A world to save, people to kick ass, corporations to take over.
      -There are actual secondary female characters that aren't used as a foil to the FL. Secondary female characters that are GOOD and fleshed out.

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