I have a way, you can just convert your image to an ASCII: https://forum.webnovel.com/d/72417-how-to-insert-images-into-web-novel-using-ascii

- Sep 28, 2022
- Joined Jul 31, 2020
Here is a way that you can input images into Web Novel: https://forum.webnovel.com/d/72417-how-to-insert-images-into-web-novel-using-ascii
I made a tutorial on how you can input an image into inkstone using ASCII: https://forum.webnovel.com/d/72417-how-to-insert-images-into-web-novel-using-ascii
This is how I inserted my own images into Web Novel: https://forum.webnovel.com/d/72417-how-to-insert-images-into-web-novel-using-ascii
- Edited
Inserting an Image to Web Novel can only be done by using emojis or ASCII Text Art.
You must convert those images into ASCII Art or use Emojis to build those images.
You can also insert emojis into Web Novel, I have a Windows 10 and you can insert Emojis on your phone or on a Windows 10 Computer.Sites you should use:
https://emojimage.com/On emojimage.com:
Web Novel Emoji Width:
[Width is "28"]Image should be cropped to the thick black outline of your character to remove any excess parts of the image to improve resolution and quality.
Hearts, ears, babies and Fists do well.
On emojicombos.com/dot-art-generator:Turn the thinner lines options all the way to the left.
Turn the image black and white, you may need to auto-level the image in "Paint.NET" which can be found on the website GetPaint.NET
Leave everything else untouched.
The image width should be "300" and you should always pick the medium sized A.K.A. Middle image.
Leave the drop down option on "AUTO"
When it comes to Emoji art, images drawn should have the same colors as emoji balls just in case and should have thick black lines.
It might also have to be only an outline.
How to turn an image into an Emoji:
https://odysee.com/@metalx1000:c/convert-an-image-to-text:aIf you use these tips, you can insert the image into your Web Novel.
Grand_Void_Daoist https://www.webnovel.com/book/the-mom-who-had-autism_18676890905549205 Synopsis
Marise is a mother on the autistic spectrum, when she was young, she was taught how to care for herself to be independent, but one day, a man changed it all... Ruined her life "forever."If you were kidnapped, call 911, make an escape plan, grow the guts to bash the kidnapper who is hurting you upside the head, etc. If you are being abused, call a hotline or 911 or tell an adult other than your abuser, do all three, actually.
Go live with a relative you trust and love or else it can be harmful.
Tell the whole truth, do not be afraid to tell detailed things, like punches, beatings, tell them they hit you, that they touch you, where they touch you, how it makes you uncomfortable because if you don't they won't know that you are being abused and that you need help.