The slow and inconsistent translation of I have a mansion in the post-apocalyptic world made me frustrated. Because of that, I decided to just dive into the novel's mtl. I found out that if I use a text-to-speech translation and let the machine read what the machine translated, I would be able to understand the general idea of the story while preventing my brain from the struggle of reading mtl. With that out of the way, to those who are as frustrated and wants to know what will happen, I will write a bit on what I can remember happens starting around the currently translated chapter. I may mix the chronological order but... you know... XD
So Russia was able to push half-way through Ukraine while Germany went into a civil war with the side supported by JC winning. Carmen was contacted by the aliens and gave him some sheet that enabled him to make bug-like aliens in Finland. NATO was like, "yeah we can smash these bugs easily." And they got rekt. Then JC smashed the bug nest with his tungsten rod and sent his orbital troops to finish the job. Carmen was later killed (finally).
JC was able to colonize Mars and there they found alien creatures, huge ass worms and some kind of bugs. They also found a civilization of bugs that lived in the planet 3 billion years ago. Before getting to Mars they were able to find a floating space craft near Earth that is in stealth. There they got this black ball with a density that breaks physics or something like that. Apparently, this black ball is the last legacy the extinct civilization. With the resources they are getting from their outer space colonies, JC was able to export a lot of sheet back to Earth, mainly energy they produce through all the Helium-3 on Moon which is somehow transported back to Earth and sold very cheaply.
USA cannot take the increasing dominance of JC so they sent the Ford Aircraft Carrier Battle Group in a military exercise near Koro Island and even almost went past the point where JC would start firing his guns. Hillary backed away because she doesn't know if JC is bluffing with M.A.D. Regardless, because of this, Trump was able to increase his support. During the election, JC had Kennedy as his bet but they still lost the election to Trump. I think he was more inclined for Trump to win so that they would go to war and finally topple the current hegemonic nation. Fortunately for the world, Trump is actually competent and came to an agreement with JC. Unfortunately for the world, the military industry company in USA wants a cold war status so that they would rake in the money. So they devised a way to crash Trump's plane and have Mike Pence as the new president.
With that, JC restarted the civil war in Colombia. Speaking of Columbia, he supported FARC and they fcked over NATO forces but stopped half-way as he had an agreement with the USA that they would stop in Columbia in exchange USA would withdraw from Japan. Anyway through this confrontation, he finally started attacking the Ford ACBG around the Caribbeans. Not sure about the details but I think a lot of their ship sunk and Ford either sunk or was captured. The made the USA launch Trident Nuclear Missiles as Xin. No Nuclear Missile were intercepted. They all detonated at Xin.
Before that, let's go back to the Fallout world. So the remnants of the PAC started going south, to Wanghai because of the Mini Ice Age. They fought, JC won. I don't know what happened to them until the end of the story. It seems they are just trading with NAC. Then some dude from a sect approached JC for a trade where they would together repair the Holy Shield Technology and in exchange, they get to live in NAC with autonomy. Later a bunch of Russians started to go down south as well because of the mini ice age. They fought, NAC won and got a new colony up north (I think it is Beijing).
NAC started making their own navy. They went to North America and started trading with the Minutemen and the National Guards (I think they are NCR, not sure). Then their colony was destroyed by what I can only think of as the Enclave. JC didn't take this lightly and they fought. NAC won. Enclave's Aircraft Carrier Battle Group which is also their capital city sunk and most of the high ranking Enclave officials died. Oh Yeah... they were sunk by a weather machine weapon JC got in North America, which he later shared access with the minutemen and NCR. NAC attacked the Enclave's Panama concentration camp where most of NAC's colonists and soldiers were sent.
Later on they were approached by the Africans who came out a lot better after the war because no one bothered with them. They had formed an African Union with Emir-style kingdoms/tribes. They got the precious crop-land around Lake Victoria in exchange for a small tax because the Emir in the area knows jack-shit about how much crop those lands could make. They also massacred some tribes who raided their colony in Africa. And I believe that is where the fallout world ends. No world domination. Just that they had a huge wedding for all his harem there because they couldn't have the wedding on Earth for reason I will divulge later.
Anyway back to his original world, all the nuclear missiles explode but did no damage because JC installed the Holy Shield System in Xin. JC used his weather machine weapon and sunk a lot of US Fleet and did an invasion of US. JC won after a month. Also Trump survived the crash and JC brought him back to US with various back deals. US finally joins the Earth Defense League and NATO is almost dead with only UK and France holding it together.
JC also was able to land on Europa. There they found a new race deep beneath the ice of Europa, the Galavins. They are Soviets from the fallout world that got sent to JC's universe like the bugs. But they don't consider themselves Soviets nor human anymore. They are all linked together with one mind. They walk in the real world via clones. They are like the Harmony Civilization, but more of Machines. They helped the Earth Federation with technology in return Earth (or JC) would use the technology to lift their ship from Europa's ocean and give them a piece of land in Mars to call their home. They also offered some tickets to their ship to preserve the Earth Seed Civilization in the likely case of their defeat.
Three years later. (10 Years after the story starts) Earth Federation has three 100M-ton battleships. The Harmony Civilization, according to their estimates were suppose to arrive around fifty years laters. SURPRISE MADAFAKA! THEY ARE HERE NOW!!! The two ships in the vicinity were able to wreck what I would assume are the scouts of the Harmony Civilization. But then, this huge ass Death Star colony ship wrecked them. Earth Federation lost. The last one 100M-ton battleship is no match and the numerous 1M-ton and other xxM-ton ship could do no sht against the colony fleet so the elites of Earth decided to escape using the last 100M-ton battleship. I believe they were heading to the Alpha Centuri System. They all went to cryogenic sleep so they didn't see what happened afterwards.
JC was on Mars when all of this happened. JC met up with the Golovins and went deep within Mars hoping to get something. The Galavins back stabbed JC (no surprise there) and JC fought back. A lot of the Galavins died but they are just clones, their main consciousness is in their ship. The Galavins, seeing the Harmony Colony ship closing in decided to escape. I don't recall much about what they got in the center of Mars but the black ball, a kg of anti-matter and Mars were the perfect ingredients, apparently, to make a huge ass explosion. Mars exploded and with it, all the colonist in Mars, the Harmony Colony fleet, the Galavins and JC.
JK lol. JC survived by transporting to the fallout world. Some mumbo jumbo he was sent to the void where he met some creatures who lived in the void. Anyway JC was hailed as a hero, most of the elites of Earth fled so there was little to no one preventing the formation of the Earth Federation. JC was still the mastermind behind the scenes though, as Star Ring Trading and Future Group is still the ones leading the world.
Back in the Harmony world, the bugs were extremely angry at the loss of their colony ship. The main bug mother told them to shut the fak up and monologued that they underestimated the humans. Next time, they will bring the largest fleet they could (not just a colony fleet, but actual fleet that can fight) and crush the humans once and for all.
The End. They had a harem wedding in the fallout world because JC is "dead" in the real world.