Kind Reminder
If your post does not follow the format in the first post, it will be deleted. No warnings will be given. It will just be permanently deleted.
My best advice to prevent your post from being deleted is to copy & paste the form. Besides, then, it will be all formatted for you already with bold text in the categories. If you need an example of how a perfect post is done, look at the first promotion post by @The_Goose with the Untitled Goose Novel.
I have been fairly generous with my deletions up to this point & gave people who have a few mix-ups (aka genres before links, for example) a chance, but everyone who was either a) missing crucial information (like genres, link), or b) have the format completely jumbled (like having the title, genres, and synopsis above the cover) had their post permanently deleted.
So, bottom line: if you want to prevent your post from being deleted, just copy & paste the form & fill it out! It's that easy.