As an author, I hope people would be willing to pay for my story. If you only want free isn't that being unfair to the authors? Most of us write because we enjoy it, but we would love to quit our jobs and do this full time. However, we can't do that if people don't pay us.

- Mar 2, 2019
- Joined Apr 29, 2018
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL Thank you for the change!
I was working in inkstone before it went down. Thankfully I saved my work before I was knocked out.
steelangelanime The forum is a separate platform. There's no connection between the two other than a link.
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I'm also unable to enter. It must be down I keep getting a number 3553989691 in a red button. When I try to log in or check my inbox.
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WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL I didn't want to say anything here as a post but I couldn't find a way to directly contact about this. I look at the cover designed for me versus the other covers...I have to say I'm disappointed.
I feel like the artist didn't try very hard with the cover design; compared to other covers he designed. I was hoping for a cover designed at a higher level than what I was able to create. I'm slightly color blind and hoped to have a nice color cover, but I think the original cover I designed was better compared to this cover.
Additionally, the only request I had was that the costume is blue and white and he looks invincible, but that isn't the message communicated by this cover. For some reason, the artist went with purple instead of blue and didn't put much effort in the costume design.
Is it possible for the artist to take another shot at it?
I'll go ahead and use my original cover for now. Hopefully, something better can be designed.
Thank You!
- In Hidden Gems
Try my novel
The Invincible Hero
bachingchung Academy days I enjoy, but I hate auctions, too predictable.
bachingchung I hate the auction cliche. I always skip the auction chapters when I come to them. It's usually, priceless treasures the MC can't afford he somehow can either through selling overly precious items of his own or some other means.
We have the rooster show where the MC goes to buy something is mocked or threatened but the MC manages to embarras someone into silence.
MC wins all of the auction items.
MC has ticked off all the major powers in the area and they're waiting for him outside. This usually leads to a chase that almost kills him or other shenanigans ensue.
If the MC failed to get something at the auction, even if he was only mildly curious about it the winner is either killed in such a way where the MC gets all of his treasures. Or for some reason, the person who wins the item just decides to give it to the MC.
Me hate auctions!
Plus, every auction is always run by either a beautiful woman that he'll probably never date or by an overly powerful old fart.
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bachingchung Bitter cynicism :)
Is there a way to reorganize your chapters. Let's say I want to insert a new chapter in between two old ones, can I do that?
LetThereBeMagic I'll give it some thought, thanks for the advice!
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Each of the chapters I write is 5000+ words. However, I can usually only do one such chapter a day. I could split each of those up to two or three chapters and increase my chapter count but the word count would be much lower. Are y'all suggesting that if I did that I could increase my readership?
Check out my book and tell me if you think it would do better with more chapters but lower word count or as is.!
Okay, found the how to make money article. I'm interested in the contract but I don't see how I can begin that process. Is that still in the works?
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I've read the article that we can make money writing novels, but I haven't seen a spot that explains how we make money. If that is written somewhere can someone direct me to it?