I think what you're doing here, asking for other people's opinions while also being willing to try their stuff, is one big way to both get an estimate of where your quality is at and work on ways to improve it.
That said, I wanted to at least take a look at your story before dropping a link to my own, but as someone else mentioned, the inkstone link doesn't take me to it, and I haven't been able to figure out how the people who posted reviews of it were able to find it.
Anyway, since this does seem to have turned into a sharing thread, and you seem to be giving honest reviews (the best kind!), I thought I'd go ahead and give you mine:
It involves five sister princesses in a world basically governed by the moon (and something is going wrong with the moon). The sisters fall across a decent spectrum of action princesses, with a shared sense of humor that has so far received positive reviews.
I only have about 20 chapters so far, but I plan on releasing on a MWF basis.