Even though the bag is there in the corner, and few stars keep popping down in it evey minute or so, the number beside the point pouch remains 0. Is anyone else also facing this issue ?

- Apr 12, 2020
- Joined Dec 29, 2017
Recently i've started to notice some small things which im sure a lot of other people are also noticing. Webnovel is slowly making it tougher to read novels for free. Im not completely sure if this is true for all novels but the ad system has been completely removed. All novels directly become premium now[not originals of course]. The invites get you almost half the ss you used to get before and novels ehich earlier were conpletely free are qlso becoming premium and that to only after 70-80 chapter! This is making it very difficult for readers who cant buy ss and were initially here due to really good novels which were available for free. Webnovel is slowly taking some really bad moves. Whats your opinion ?