Why aren't any of Tang Jia San Shao novels being translated by QI? Excluding the novels they are dual posting they seem to be ignoring the most popular Chinese Author(or at least one of the most popular). Is there some reason for that?

From what I can see these novels are readily available to be picked up by QI without any negative community feedback.


I've read several of these translations that were dropped and they all seem unique and interesting.

Why does QI ignore TJSS?

I think it's probably for the best, since aside from the first DD and Skyfire Avenue, the rest of his stories are, in my opinion, mediocre at best.

    TJSS was never mediocre, except with Child of Light ending.

      Luta Really? Any of the DD sequels, The Kind Death God, Heavenly Jewel Change, or Shen Yin Wang Zuo aren't mediocre at best?


        If they're mediocre then 99% of QI novels are just readable at best.

          Klepar I think "Heavenly Jewel Change" is very good. Maybe his other novels are good as well.

            A plausible reason is to maybe wait until QI has a lot of daily readers or TJSS being well known to please readers when they translate it. At the end of the day you should never trust google translate.

              Klepar I agree with you. Because DD is not as good as HJC in my opinion. I read DD until chapter 21 and couldn't keep reading because it is too long-winded. Many unnecessary descriptions. It is quite boring. There are also some unnecessary lines in HJC as well but it is much better than DD.

                Libertt I do agree that DD is long-winded, but what put me off in HJC is the unreasonable behaviour of the majority of characters.

                  Klepar That was a major concern for me too. But if we look at the novel overall then it is still much better than many of the other translated novels.

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