The Arcane emperor and everybody loves big chest are good.
*Royal Road has almost no good Novels*
TYErannical because original authors are not professional authors with many among them writing their first novel while the chinese novels we read are selected among chosen stories that have prevailed through trial and error being the top novels of their selective authors.
Should have been obvious.
You have no right to complain about free stuff, no one forces you to read.
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PlottwistAntiHero You mean 'former' free stuff, but yeah indeed. That guy also has another discussion about why he thinks all the japanese LN are trash. Makes you wonder why he is even reading web novels...
N0xiety royalroadl still seems free of charge to me, isn't it?
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PlottwistAntiHero I was talking about here, thought it was obvious with what has been going on for the last few days. Also, RRl novels go premium too, well rather, when they are published, everything but a few chapters in RRl is deleted. The ones left behind serve as a trial or ad for the novel. So read while you can, as most authors delete their work when it is published...
N0xiety I would do the same thing. Majority of people tend to freeload rather than donate out of free will. Most original novels are still free right?
PlottwistAntiHero Well, they are free till they go famous. At that point they get contracted and are no longer free. Generally, the best novels by logic should always go famous one way or another, so you can interpret it as the best novels are generally not free...
Most Original? I thought you are talking about Webnovel's novel. All would look the same after you read some novels.
PS: I don't know what kind of discussion you want to make. You make too many and EVERYTHING is bad.
Why are all TYErannical's threads bad?
MasterRabbink because he only talks smack about everyone and everything. He is simply a negative, toxic person who can't control his feelings and let's it out on everyone.
N0xiety well yeah, but everyone wants a monetary reward for hard work. I think it' fair for the best original novels to get contracted.
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TYErannical Royal Road does have some pretty good novels. There's The Legend of Randidly Ghosthound, Paladin, Mythran's Master of All, and a pretty obscure one called Daedalus that I really like. It just takes a little bit of searching in the weekly popular stories section every so often to find good stories.
Sunsetdreamer52 You mean this?
Now you could download it on an app and bring it on the go.
PlottwistAntiHero I don't like that mentality . The only way they'll know to improve is by criticism.
N0xiety their are other light novels that isnt japanese dude. I was merely giving out my opinion that's all.
PlottwistAntiHero I'm the kind of guy who donates to what he likes the problem here is i can't find anything of quality to donate to.
MasterRabbink cause the bad threads seem to garner more attention. The good ones have like one comment saying "cool" on them.
PlottwistAntiHero says the guy who's attacking someone personally over an opinion on books.
Sunsetdreamer52 I've been searching a lot. I've only found like 3 that was worth the read. One was called The Merge.
MasterRabbink Thank you for taking the time to link me to something.
N0xiety I didn't know that. Maybe that's the reason I couldn't find anything good to read. Thank you.