yaoyueyi silentscarlettt Yah, some people just don't listen... I may have requested in both threads, however, that was two different novels... @yaoyueyi I requested for my story novel, and @silentscarlettt I requested for my poem novel.;,;. I am thankful for both covers too, just wanted to see firsthand each of your styles.;,;.
Free Covers For Your Stories!
I know that I am very late now. You said limited time, but I'm still gonna try
AUTHOR NAME: SIVA K MANOJ AND JUBIT PINCY (Here Jubit, my friend helped me with the concept, so you could either add her as an author or as a concept creator)
SYNOPSIS: Normal-taro is an alien; his real name is something that literally converts into Normal- taro in human language. He is of the planet Wados which translates to the 'planet of abnormalities'. Here, everyone has superpowers. And our Normal-taro is a middle class worker. But all of a sudden, he just transported to Earth. Will he survive?
IDEAS: Basically, he is an alien. But has human like features. He is normal. Maybe Normal-taro wandering in space as he struggles to catch breath? And a mars exploration rocket passes by..
Thank you guys for your hard work on making our covers!! Really appreciate your efforts!!
- Edited
silentscarlettt Woah! how shameless they are? ...I can't believe they were requested both thread on their same Novel. ...i hope you will remove duplicate request so you can make cover faster ....I'm waiting for your result to my cover :3
I actually can’t delete posts because I’m on mobile, but when I get my laptop fixed, that’s the first thing I plan to do: delete extra things on the thread.
And I’m actually finished with your request, I’m working on everyone else’s then I’ll release all simultaneously.
Guys, my break ends today, meaning no more requests will be accepted until further notice.
I have finished majority of the requests, but they’ll be released when I’m completely finished. I have skipped a few, mostly because they were too specific, or I couldn’t get any idea/inspiration to do them at all. Those that were skipped are welcome to request again when the thread is open again. A few covers I actually think turned out pretty well, while a few others aren’t my best work. I’ll let y’all decide when they’re released.