Raises hand
"Me, me! Take me!"
We hereby invite you to a sponsored trip to China!
not possible for me
I think I'll pass. As a chicken, I'll probably gonna get gobbled up.
Whell, there is no visa point in my country (romania), but even so, i want to come
Sounds exciting too bad I can't even leave the country plus dad would never allow it
VISA? It's an easy thing in my place.
(Raising my hand excitedly)
Is this somekind of competition?
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Me ? Pretty please ?
Can easily get the Visa with a valid reason at my place...
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excited <3
I do wanna go as well
and visa?
its a easy thing in my country
To miss this opportunity is something that one will regret...if its free then why not :D
Sounds great.
To acquire a visa to China in Mexico you need aprox. 250 usd, a week of time ( if is urgent only 1 or 2 days but add 50 usd) and present the tickets (round fly).
Ohhhh!!!!! I wanna go.......
I think its easy to get visa from Nepal, Kathmandu.
Details can be arranged if i do get the chance to go.
Frosch i love that that's the first thing you thought of after reading this passage. cute :P
also, as far as i know with all the latest scientific discoveries, we still need at least one kidney to live. so, if both of your kidneys are stolen, you probably would want to transplant a kidney from elsewhere
I would like the chance to go, however is it 18 and up or above 18? If it is the previous I'll have to pass until next year :(
Sounds awesome :D I would so love to win this :P
A visa for China is fairly straight forward: requires an international passport and at least one confirmed address where you will stay.
Sounds fun :)
dont shoplift :p
wow, I never go to China, but I think it's quite easy here to get the Visa to China.
gunsxxroses That would be include 18 =γ=
wanna go... I really want to win this :). I have visa to China before. it is quite fair to get visa for China, we need to get complete the requirement.
I have been to Shenzhen (+ Macau and Hongkong) before. Getting a visa to go to the other part of China once more might not be so complicated.