DazzlingGem TRUE! but we're just starting the Angst Arc... it's gonna be a different kinda noise.
jenniferangeles Pfffttt... Hahahahaha!!!
You already know what's gonna happen.
But it's still TORCHURE!!!
It always noisy as ever
When they give mass release, there are always those who said why not mass release this , why not mass release that.
Now webnovel didn't give any mass release, you all said in unison, why there is no mass release this week
Aiyaaah Qidian ... no mass releases wil only result in people rioting >_>
- Edited
Why noooo mass release???
Welp those What's Next had many chapters...
Is this the end of Mass Release era?
We need mass release!
Sigh Now, I don't care the mass release o some else.......
I just don't understand why QI does not pick up nice novels or abandoned novels that so many readers have been requested here in the forum considering that 'almost' all novels that they have been released are boring or cliche (the novels with female protagonist not for any reason lol).....
We need new novels with plots a little so much different D:!
SweetsTomato vegapunk
Noooooooooooo masssss releasee!!!!!
Aaaaaaaahh here go mass release for you all ! Thank me later
DazzlingGem it will be noisier than ever
Hello everyone. I'm new here. Please take care of me. I would like to ask everyone ' what is thi #TGIF31?'
Aoi_00 Every week on Friday, Webnovel usually make a mass release event. However, it is mass release of future novels for this week.
You have to listen really hard to recognize any english in that song. They can sing but it is hardly recognizable.
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL The Ultimate Evolution!!!! Swallowed Star!!