Cilliez I'll have you know that I already am a fine gentleman bo- hang on a second! We've been over this! My character already possesses all the good qualities of an adult!
Good and bad... huhu
Cilliez :scream: You stain my reputation with your baseless accusations!
Huh the world is truly full of mystery like the bermuda triangle, the ancient Aztecs civilization, the sphinx , but it seems i have found another mystery that is why is this thread so interesting and funny at the same time to read despite the title of this thread is girls (which i first though this was either a thread for girls [if there are any] or a thread that is riddled with feminism[no offense]) but i guess that contrast is also part of its charm
P.S im sort of having a teen life/identity crisis right now so dont mind my acting wise and sometimes weird post, peace
the more important question is why do you want to know?
- Edited
also, young sir, you do know your question is sexist right? women can read whatever they want to read.
maybe there are certain genres that ladies like more but at the end of the day, everyone has the freedom to read whatever genres they enjoy
I am a crow and I read novels...
TheDarkCrow and You massacre everyone who block your path.. Devil will be a compliment for you!!
Miya Hello queen...
Just to remember you guys, QI now has novels especially for women so is pretty much confirmed... Women exist
TheDarkCrow lol.. there was a Ladies Pick Section..
Of course there are girl reading here (i hope so at least) so do not discriminate remember both the plot and justice are important for a good story
Yup, we do exist
Impossible. Girls only exist in fiction. Impossible!
Stare Stare Stare Stare Stare Stare
(so this is the creature called GIRLS)
Daoist_Eternal_Sky it truly is a mythical being isnt daoist SKY?????
alextrick Yes.. It blinded my Holy Legend Grade Adamantine Dragon-Dog Eyes
Daoist_Eternal_Sky your seeking death by saying that daoist sky and im not gonna join you again
alextrick hehe.. The arrow's p-pointed at me!! And it will NEVER EVER miss!! (hope so)
I read all genres. I've read plenty of reference books/textbooks, nonfiction, science fiction, fantasy, and have tried romance novels. There is nothing that keeps me from reading it if it has good ratings, or has been recommended to me.