Cilliez nah not mistaken.... I'm quite 🚺♀️
Miya have you seen the big bang theory? No offense but most girls do not like the same things as boys, not saying every girl but most. Just as boys do not generally like girl things. I used to hate action fact I still do!! To this day I label otakus as people who collect action figures and pictures of fictional chatacters....compared to me who just reads or watches and moves on. Not that there cannot be girl otakus, I've seen comic con videos, but before that I seriously always thought actions figures were stupid and little boys who pretended to be fictional characters were stupid.
Maybe I am just a sexist person on some level but if I ever see a grown man putting on make up I always have to think twice about which way he swings, not saying he has to be a certain way to put on make up, there is nothing wrong with it, but it does bring about deeper questions than i would have thought of if i didnt know he put on make up. Certain things are attributed more to some groups than others and that's just the way life is.
Also I only read these novels for the genius characters, cause almost all of these web novels have genius characters. I'm an Orson Scott card fan and most of all his books have a genius lead character, I usually end up dropping his books once they get too complicated so I am always looking for something to meet that need. Anime did it for me, but then they started making all these fluff animes and all that was left were sports anime....then they slowed down on the anime so I went to manga and you see where this is going. So far qidian is meeting my high demand.