Hi, so you want to do a review swap?
If you do, here is my story and thank you very much
SamiYuri: Flowers of our garden
Review + Collection Swap?
finished yours! very long chaps lol!
- Edited
Rosewater15 I'll do it with you, I don't know how to do the links, My Novel is (The Rabbit Hole)
Rosewater15 I did it
Hi... In case you're interested in reading a Female Lead Fun Fantasy Adventure Story, please give the book of my friend a read.
ReWorld: The DwarfCat-earedElf
Thanks a lot!!!
SiaReader I don't usually read anything with a female lead, not because I'm sexist, just because I don't like to, I think the only think I've read, or watched with a female lead was (I max out my defense I wouldn't get hurt) but I'll check it out
xXSpiderGamingXx reviewed yours~~ rabbit hmm does he ever turn back or is he always a rabbit lol
hello, am new here and just started on my new book, THE WILD LAURA
Rosewater15 DONE WITH THE REVIEW. Here's mine. Add a collection too. https://www.webnovel.com/book/eden-locker-'s-magus-system-%7Bi-xi%7D-and-the-black-crest-family_23517682906318205
Yukina_Miu DONE AND HERES MINE, Add a collection too https://www.webnovel.com/book/eden-locker-'s-magus-system-%7Bi-xi%7D-and-the-black-crest-family_23517682906318205
Vian_Corporations check out mine too. swap a review and collection too. https://www.webnovel.com/book/eden-locker-'s-magus-system-%7Bi-xi%7D-and-the-black-crest-family_23517682906318205
Vian_Corporations reviewed this! 25 and unmarried is so sad for a medieval time lol
Hello, here's my novel with the title Mystery in the Whispering Grove. Please, if you have the time, read it and add a review/comment, so I can improve myself.
Thank you all.
Ninestar619_5803 yoo done. interesting system story!
SiaReader hii do you want to review swap too?
Mystic_Chronicler reviewed yours! love fantasy haha
Rosewater15 Thank you very much for the review. i hope you liked it. And yes, they don't die at the end...
[Do mine, I will do yours, but only after reading your book.]
Rosewater15 Hello, hello! You can call me RadioGirl. One might say that I'm the jack of all trades when it comes to literature. But, never the less, I, too, have a story that I'd love for you to check out! It's not even close to being done, but I'd love your opinion on it so far! It's called 'In the Heat of the Moment' Here's the link! https://www.webnovel.com/book/in-the-heat-of-the-moment_27805414400636705/chapter-1_74639775486768097 In return, I'll read your story, and offer advice if you want!
Stay tuned!
I'd like to offer my services as well if you're up for it. :3