Flaffy I swear you made a thread about the same concept, Flaff?

    22 days later
    3 months later

    i miss this novel, I need chapters

      Maybe it's not that popular, that's why it's not prioritize atm.


        To supplement:

        "My bottom line was crossed after we solved out that issue. An employee of China Reader using the nickname sunny double backstabbed me and GSD. This is the sole reason why I’m going to drop TDK. I hope QI will find a new translator who would be finishing the project in the future."

        Source: https://wuxianation.com/announcement/dropping-tdk-and-shout-out-to-community.html

          Indiboy madsnail used the pronoun "he", so it might be different. Besides, she's cute, she'll get away with it.

            5 days later
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