How diverse is our community?
Iām half Russian, half Chinese.
EliezerBorre TabooGod said India.
Citlalicue What's tabooGod?
Citlalicue I guess he meant someone else that's why I didn't reply him, seems I was correct.
EliezerBorre And brother... I am TabooGod, an average pervert.
6 Novels
UnhingedTaboo I'm from the micronesian islands.. a Tiny tiny island in the Pacific Ocean :-)
i guess the answer to your header question is that we are a very diverse group indeed.
Miya We need more diversity(more people in this thread)..... I still haven't found my one true love.
[unknown] I am also from Austria :D
NineNeatherBird I am also from Austria :D
From the philippines here~
spent most of my time reading so dont know how many
UnhingedTaboo Maybe you should change it to "Looking for true love". LOL.... JK
U.S. -> New Mexico (I'm sure that there are some funny jokes out there about this state.) -> Navajo Nation -> Near a river, in a town with one stoplight. My location is a bit detailed but that's fine. I didn't include my GPS coordinates so I'm good. I'm currently reading 6 novels reduced from 12 due to the lack of spirit stones on my part. I mainly hover around this site because of King's Avatar, Venomous Consort, and Trial Marriage Husband. A lot of the novels that I pick tend to pack in the angst and drama. sigh I need to find more hobbies that include the outdoors too (but it's quite scary out there). Best wishes, K.
Drakonia711 Why not buy a Nintendo Switch, go out in the open(park or something) and play Zelda(Breath of wild)??
Drakonia711 "Small town with one stoplight".... Lightning McQueen came to mind
Howdy neighbor!!
I live in Russia and read 5-15 epdated novels (when the updates do come out) if counting novels from qidian then it will be around 6