MasterRabbink Yes, The Red Bride is a beautiful novel. The writing got me hooked. Even the cover is lovely and tasteful.

- Joined Mar 4, 2018
MasterRabbink I have it in my library... waiting for chapters to accumulate!
FilledWithHope Most of this writers are working with basic english and context can get lost in translation. It hard to get a good flow in this novels even with translated and edited work, the only novel I truly enjoyed reading was Mr. CEO spoil me 100%. The editor did a wonderful job. The rest, I just get hooked on the story line and characters.
SnowWhiteFox Really? Then I may wait for the novel to resume.
hlubneeb70 Yes, nothing beats the novel.
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RandomUsername I think you have to send a request. Main page should have where to send it to.
MsRB847 I came to the forum to ask; glad you already did
Like some say, in a dog eats dog world anything goes. In romantic novels, some have an instant attraction for that person and therefore is not traumatic being molested, sexually assaulted or even raped. Other times they're already in love and they don't mind being mistreated. I guess it depends on the situation and how much power the person being assaulted, molested or raped gives to the matter. Some people may not see it as a big deal and to others it may even turns them on, while for others is a death sentence. But is funny that a lot of readers have an issue with this but not with people being killed left and right LOL. Some actually ask for characters to be kill in the most horrific ways.
MaryFord Yes, and; why would I buy it when I already payed here?
QueenCL It will take around 3 years anyway if they release about 2 chapters per day. Thankfully they have the TGIF mass release thing, but unfortunately not in all novels
QueenCL So if the average novel has about 1,000 chapters it'll take a around 3 years to be totally unlocked (free)? That's a long wait
checkm8 Well, yeah but most don't, once they're grown (scorpions & spiders) are on their own. I kill at least one or two scorpions per week inside my house. I don't know what I would do if I see 20 or 30 coming at me, or crawling on my legs like sometimes ants do
Also bees, wasps and ants don't tent to make nest inside houses like, spiders, scorpions and cockroaches do.
Those pics are gross by the waybachingchung No necesitas biblioteca porque tienes a Webnovel, es suficiente por ahora
The_Wind_Jaeger Ya la publicaste? Pasanos el link porfa!!
23DN4L Let's just be thankful that must bugs and instincts don't travels in packs. Imagine a pack of black widows
or scorpions
Also, if snails are so slow how come nobody sees them coming? Is just like bamm!! there's a snailCreepy little turds.
Huangdi Yo tambien ya me estoy aburriendo en Webnovel
Me desespera tener que esperar por updates
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Y dónde está mi gente
Mais fais bouger la tête
Y dónde está mi gente
Say yeah, yeah, yeah
Y dónde está mi genete? Yo aquì, presente!!Hahahaha
Llegue aquí por un ad, me intrigo la lectura China y me quedé porque me parecio entretenida. Las leo en ingles puesto que soy bilingüe. No tengo ningun novel porque no soy escritora, tengo muchas ideas y me aviento unos cuentos que para que te digo hahahahaha. Espero leer alguna novela de un Latino o Hispano pronto y darle todo el apoyo. Saludos a todos los Latinos e Hispanosdel la Webnovel.
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