Well I guess I'm just gonna throw it out there, The Patriotic Heartlands of the USA
How diverse is our community?
from the USA
Been reading translated novels for 4 or 5 years now. From this app I only really read two novels they are Release the Witch and Strongest Abandoned Son. Starting reading on the app once they took over translating Absolute Choice but that is on haitus right now. Other than that most of my daily reading is spend on multiple different websites.
SilverCookie Indonesia !!
LoveIceLazyBug Oh, hello there! Salam kenal ;D
soymilku Actually, I found the switch body arc kinda fine. The next arc... err, idk, I'm not really fond of military theme xD so it's kinda hard to stick with it.
UnhingedTaboo from India too
UnhingedTaboo I'm from Philippines and I read 10 novels at most.......
UnhingedTaboo I'm from Philippines and I read 10 novels at most.......
Malaysia xD
I read so many novels that it is insane haha
- Edited
AMERICA F***k yeah
Portugaaal/Angolan/, Scotland/Multinational fk the system
I think it's great.
Billdoor I thought that was Russia?
America for me!
I read whatever of my novels update but am currently completely invested in Dominating Sword Immortal and Gormet of another world as my favorite books it's to bad they rarely update
Welcome to America
*I only read via phone browser
Nihil8volent I'm currently reading those books too
Billdoor booo :thumbsdown: , even with Trump's instability and inability to lead the western world.
We (U.S) still got it.
Sorry but i'll have to agree with @Neverfire7 and say England has to be the unofficial leader of Europe due to their history and imperialistic tendency. they also won the world wars (can't say the same for Germany) :P
Neverfire7 i'd bring my popcorn and watch another european war. i heard great britian really like to war with neighboring states
Britain left the European union in brexit
6 novel...?
I'm from Philippines xD
In my dreams lol
Australia :)
Just kidding Philippines
Kenya(and no I can't for the life of me run)...about 9 novel updates per day, been xianxia reading since 2014.