So, I'm Lam here!

26 this year hailing from Singapore!
I used to be really into mangas with deep psychological plotlines and dark humour! Other than that, im from the music scene. Eventually, i entered one of the top universities in Singapore (Well, Sg only has a few but they're pretty wellknown i suppose haha) and graduated with a Bsc in...PHYSICS. That's supposed to be a secret by the way haha. I swear no one would guess im a Physics graduate if they saw me in real life. I have a perpetual RBF too.

Unable to give up on my love for linguistics and stories, i ended up turning to my forte and so here I am translating novels for you guys! :>

    soymilku Kinilig ka naman.... kekeke

    Oooooohhhh shoot I totally treated this thread as our Noypi thead lol.
    Nvm, there's a lot of us here, might as well consider this as an extension of the Pinoy thread xD

    soymilku Hahahaha, I'm still trying to keep reading. It feels such a shame to drop the novel after binge reading it for 300++ chapters;;; but yeah, I kinda stopped for a while so there's a lot to catch up. And I don't really keen on the current arc I'm reading....

    Olivia Oliviaaaaaaaaaaa <3 <3 gives you a jar of edible cookie

      SilverCookie Let me know if you continue reading that novel and tell me if the switch body arc thingy is done. hahaha i don't like that arc. it's soo way out of this world. haha what are you reading now?
      aka0 Yo Hello from Philippines
      @Veldora Yeah, there's a lot of filos here I hope I could meet them. It's hard replying to one by one. Is Olivia filipino too? or nah? The filipinos that i know is senpai @_Haze_ @Hyper_pumpkin @SomeMnlightSculptr @takeshi_zaizen ... and that's it lol
      @gorky this thread is for everyone! btw, hello~

      Yo Good morning everyone~

        soymilku Im from Nanyang Technological University! NTU for short!
        HAHA dont worry, it makes me happy knowing if and when my readers are pleased with my work!
        And psst, i suck at Physics too. HAHA! ;)

          Hello! Im Codex_ and I found webnovel after reading TKA on gravitytales around March​ of last year. After catching up with TKA, I fell in love with web novels. One novel became two, then three, four, five...

          You get where this is going. I live in the US and... and... and ... I speak Spanish. Not sure what to say. Not like there's much. 😁

            Hi I'm Kuse I found this app a while ago and I've been on the platform for awhile. I'm basically a novel junkie and found it while on the novel update page. I'm currently in University in Canada and I can communicate in German, Spanish and Arabic.

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