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  • Homophobes on Webnovel

honestly, I don't get why people can be AGAINST lgbtq+.
I don't go out and support it openly, but I just treat it as another belief/characteristic. think my moral code is to let just people do what makes them happy. it's almost like religion-- I'm christian-- but if someone says that the're buddhist, I'm not going to go out and shun them for believing what they believe. or even, if I have brown hair and someone else has blonde hair, I'm not going to put them down or be against them because they have a different hair color. I don't get why there are people who would do that. :/

    yaoyueyi Don't like it, do like it, In the end, your feelings are your personal opinion. I just wish that people wouldn't project their views on to a book they have not read is all.

    This not only happens for BL but for pretty much anything someone does like about a novel, its stupid to rant about them or report them cuase its gonna keep happening. People gonna hate
    I for one hate on every novel thats harem so shrug

      I have no idea why people go out of their way to create fake accs just for giving '1 stars'.

      This is infact common in novels with BL or harem. People give 1 star without reading by creating fake accs.

      Some even give 1 star because they are 'bored'. They write something like '140 words, boooring.............' or something similar

        As an author you need to teach yourself to have thick skin. Nothing you write is going to please 100% of your readers, and the fact that it is being read online naturally exposes it to the internet. We all know how shitty people are on the internet. Is this really any surprise? C'mon now... Learn to ignore the reviews that deserve ignoring, and learn from the reviews worth learning from. There is no story that will ever legitimately reach 5 stars, dont care about a couple 1 star reviews. Is it seriously worth complaining about???

          Peaches "As an author you need to teach yourself to have thick skin. Nothing you write is going to please 100% of your readers, and the fact that it is being read online naturally exposes it to the internet. " Yes if they actually read the book it wouldn't be a problem but they haven't. I think it is worth complaining about. Since people are doing it to some of the books just to be trolls then getting them removed shouldn't be hard either.

            I personally dont like BL, but I also hate people who give bad ratings for books, because they do not like the genre of the book. It seems to be a problem on QI

            Transparency You arent taking into consideration the other half of my post though. This is the internet, trolls exist, why would they not appear in reviews of all things, let alone all the other places of the internet? Report them and move on, dont let something so pointless bother you. If this sort of thing seriously bothers you, you shouldnt be posting stories on a public platform.

            My friend, I understand you!

            The people who do this in my country are known as hates and are generally people who love the BL content, but can not tell .... That is, it is ashamed of itself ..... Joking aside, this kind of person are really unbearable, if not like not read. It is one thing you are reading a story that puts a plot proposal and in the end presents another proposal or actually has contents such as racism, homophobia, sexism, among other contents onfensive, or even brainwashing political thinking, then yes the person in that if you have the right to write constructive criticism.

            Now what two dating men or women dating will bother this particular human being?
            Here in the BR we call "enroute desire," or simply the "masculinity" of these people is so weak, that just see the BL name they will stick hard!

            Sorry I was thick, but I think so.

            I'm a woman and I do not like Yuri because I do not have the patience for the slow romances between women and the rapids do not make sense at all, so since I do not like this kind of novel I clearly do not read, so why divert my life to weave a comment or evaluation of something that I do not consume and do not like. It's like I do not like orange, but then I buy orange juice from a snack bar and then I send a bad evaluation to the establishment talking about orange juice that I've never liked since the beginning and I do not like to consume .... It's not makes sense >>> like these people, who actually want to play with the hard sticks of other people .... Oops, I've said it again!


            yaoyueyi As I said above, I am against homosexuality... I see it as a choice (arguments against are pointless against my views, so don't bother) and am against making that choice, however, that does not mean I am against the people, just their actions, but anyway, if you see my above post, you'll see I'm even against the obvious troll :(

              Transparency I didn't read everything in this thread, but when writing you will face things like that.
              Especially when you are writing a theme like homosexuality, because not many ppl dig this theme.

              I wouldn't read, not because the novel have homosexuality... from what i saw it just wasn't my cup of tea... i prefer lighter novel.... in fact for me... the simpler the novel is the better. Life is already too damn full of drama...

              Not saying that there aren't homophobics here... but just brush them aside and do your best, because i'm sure that eventually the ppl who like your novel will naturally make the rate go up.

                I just wrote ten chapter of my novel BL, so far I have not received any criticism or hate that would knock me over, until then it was a good reception.

                Could it be that the content of the BL story, in the case the BL itself, was very implicit and the straight readers thought it was a normal story? Well, that does not justify doing reviews based on homophobia anyway. But if a reader feels cheated you can understand why the guy is going to come out of nowhere to scold the novel, even if it is stupid, since it is perceived that it is not content that one likes, why you still have the trouble to read and make evaluation ?!

                  Well, like i said i don't dig the theme of BL or harem... in fact i don't like horror as well... in fact i fxxxxxxx hate horror...
                  I was reading an novel that was, at least at first "nice and light" novel... welll turns out that things got really dark and really fast (really like schools days - anime fans will know), i went to the authors blog and did my evaluation... it was in fact a really well thought novel, it had an amazing MC and it kept me awake for 1 night... so it was a good novel... it wasn't a novel that i would normally read... (since i hate horror, it's not fear. but more like a deep awfull feeling i get everytime i watch or read a horror film/novel), did i feel cheated? Yes and No...
                  - Yes, because i created some expectation for the novel...and some of my favorites characters died as soon shit went south....
                  -No, because it was me that hoped for things that the novel wasn't....
                  I did read some BL novels and mangas before... it just isn't to my liking...i don't really care too much for romance in novels...in fact one of the first novel that i read was ISSTH...for me that was the right amount of romance...
                  I read some chapter of Transparency novel... it is good...the problem is that some idiots that didnt even open the novel gave 1 star...

                    I keep seeing this post so I decided to mention that one of my side characters is gay (through backstory to justify a decision of the ML). I want to help break the hatred!

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