Nou Thank you for your suggestions, Nouu!! Your message is too long, yet, I managed to read it. I've learned something from you and I've just started chapter 1 of my story and haven't published it yet.

Misguided_Rooster Yess, Nou is right. Yep, it always takes time. Thank you too, Kingicez. I appreaciate your suggestions with Nou and lordcastle.

  • Nou replied to this.


    Oh boy. If that was too long, I think I typed a much-too-long essay for the person I just replied to, yikes!

    But I'm glad that helps. I'd recommend not splitting the chapters in terms of word count (i.e. This is 5,000 words already, so chapter 1 should end), but more in terms of theme/message. You can fiddle with the word count afterward. It's not too late then. Some books that I've read have chapters that are literally less than a paragraph long. Don't let webnovel dictate how long each chapter be. I mean, yeah, you'll probably have to adjust it if you want to post it to their site, but don't let that dictate how long each chapter should be. For example:

    Chapter 1
    *thud* *thud*

    Her heart beat loudly in this silent and forsaken forest. No birds could be heard singing, no leaves rustling. With each step she took, blood could be seen in the footprints.

    'I have to make it back,' she thought, 'and warn them. If they're unprepared, the whole village could be wiped out. I mustβ€”'


    Losing too much blood, she fell onto the ground, never to stand again.
    /End of Chapter 1


    Every piece is a part of your masterpiece, no matter how downtrodden it may be. It may not be your magnum opus, the peak of your works, but it's laying the foundation for it.

    G'luck, and may the stories you two write see the light of day!

      Nou Thank you so much, Nouu! You've helped me a lot. I guess, I'm going to publish chapter 1 tomorrow. Do you have any written stories here already?

      • Nou replied to this.

        Nou I prefer reading than writing too. Haha!

        Nou I just knew you're an editor/co-editor.

        • Nou replied to this.

          Na, honestly, my co-editor has been picking up my slack, working extremely hard. I haven't been doing much :S

          Wait, what gave it away jum_sy ?

            Nou You must be a famous editor/co-editor then. πŸ˜‚ I just visited your profile and it says that you're a co-editor of plun--I forgot what was it. Admittedly, I'm just new here in webnovel tho. I don't really care about this app. Yet, Facebook always promote webnovel and I became curious about it; curiousity kills I downloaded it b'cos I love to read.

            • Nou replied to this.

              jum_sy Ooh wow. Even Facebook promotes Webnovel nowadays? I am so, so, so behind the times now. Ack!

              Yeah, I helped co-edit Plundering the Heavens. I honestly don't have the app either, so you're fine.

              Any particular stories/books you love to share?

                Nou Well yess, hahahaha! You're not on Facebook? Sad. I read Wattpad before Webnovel. I recommend you to read; Trial Marriage Husband: Need to Work Hard, Yiunyi's the writer. I can't explain how how, Idk how to describe the story in to words. It's really nice. The genre is Romance, Idk if you'll like it or not. I started reading it last week and I'm on Chapter 85 now. Haha. What genre(s) do you like btw? Wait additional question, are you a gentlemen or a lady?

                • Nou replied to this.

                  jum_sy I don't know about the gentle part, but I am a man.

                  Romances are nice if it's not the "love at first sight" and "I know i want to jump on you and you on me when we first laid eyes on each other" type of romance. I like reading stories like, in this manga, "Can't See Can't Hear But Love"(Use your favorite manga viewing website). I enjoy them. They're a nice change of pace from all the war and blood ever so prevalent in these CN webnovels.

                  I am currently enjoying reading fantasy novels the most right now. Give Trudi Canavan's "The Black Magician" a try and tell me what you think about it.

                    I'll give Trial Marriage Husband a try. Ty for that recommendation!

                      Nou Ofc, it's not love and first sight. Haha! Btw, sorry for the typo's from the prev. comment. Alrighty, I'll read the both? Or?

                      • Nou replied to this.

                        jum_sy Na, it's not a typo.

                        But go ahead and give that manga a try. It'll be a nice change of pace too, I believe!

                          Nou I believe that Trial Marriage Husband has it's 800 Chapters now.

                            Nou What app do you use to read that Manga?

                            • Nou replied to this.


                              Sorry, was typing away at other forums XD

                              I actually have read almost all my manga on the computer or hardcopy. It was before the age of phone apps. :S

                                Nou It's alright tho, you're a famous editor you should also you know what I mean. πŸ˜‚ Okay, I'll try searching that manga. And tell me if the TMH is good or what. Hehe.

                                  How am I a famous editor? I'm so confused @_@

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