as one of the early posters on this thread... and seeing how new posts are majorly most about how utterly unimaginative and how FF writers should feel bad about themselves, i feel bad for them and for the posters too..

ive read a tonne of fanfics man... so many bad fanfics that made me raging mad and also fanfics that made me enjoy the fandom a lot more...

a lot of people seem to only see the bad side of it, and its true mostly because the good ones are very hard to find but they do exist....

a lot of people also seem to keep saying that there are no writing skills involved in writing FF.... like WTF shit are you smoking, it specially takes great skill in writing to write good fanfics thats why you dont see good ones a lot...

and you seem to keep forgetting that stories that contain some type of mythical lore about gods and stuff are fanfics in of itself that are based on works that have existed... no matter how original you may seem to think an original novel is, there are elements in there that uses a lot of things that have been written by someone else....

but yeah... there are a lot of bad fanfics... and i mean a lot..

this just proves that for a site like this that originated from eastern web novels should also follow in it and not accept western style fanfics...why did i specifically point out western style?

its because ive read a few fanfics made by chinese authors that have a few translated chapters and i would like to see more of them....... FFnet already has a tonne of FFs written in the style of western authors and im sick of em at this point.

    I don't care if the FF is good or bad. It's derivate works, and that term is fairly well defined. A separate section is definitely needed.

    For two reasons.

    One is covered extensively in this thread. It's about to what degree FF is original.

    The second one is my pet peeve. I have to label my work as belonging to a (commersial) genre. OR I could write FF and land all over the place.

    FF needs a separate section anyway in order to sub-label the stories? Is it a romance, sci-fi, mystery, thriller, you-name-it?

      StenDuring if you are talking about the power rankings... then yeah, its unfair for the authors for their work to be competing for attention with fanfics as the power rankings have a huge impact when it comes to getting readers and should have a different power rankings with fanfics and fanfics should have a label in their thumbnails saying fanfics instead of originals...

      anything else is labeled properly cause when you go to a fanfic novels synopsis page you will clearly see that it is under fanfics, and there are also fanfic tags already available....

      dont know why qidian categorizes fanfics and originals in the same rankings.....its easier if they had a different ranking for it as different readers will go to what category they want and the way it is now just generates problems

        FujiCigarette I was actually thinking about how a separate section to a certain degree would benefit both original works and derivate works.

        Assume you write FF (I don't think you do, but anyway). You drop your latest in the section for derivate works and are given a few labling options which, for rather obvious reasons, are unavailable for the rest of us. You get to properly pick a genre AND you get to state which original work yours is a derivate of.

        Two weeks later a happy reader of Naruto FF is able to find your work among all other Naruto derivates AND can pick it out among the romance stories there.

        FF writers get a more powerful tool and writers of original works don't get that label diluted. Win-win.

          FujiCigarette Yeah, I agree. I really like fan fiction! I also agree, however, that they should have a separate section here

            4 days later

            slaps the back of the dying thread

            Me: This thread right here ain't dying.

            My thoughts... I think even separation is hard to implement. They could just not tag it as Fan Fiction, completely dodging the bullet. No one can stop anyone from voting them, too. I think I saw a few, but I won't mention them.

            escapes like the potato I really am

              randomgal23 I like fanfictions, but there's too many **** ones down there, it's too hard to find any good ones. And for original authors, if they keep a good uploading schedule and have a good plot, good grammar, have an overall good book, they'll stand out very much. It's just the people that upload originals for fun that are getting drowned.

              TheBlips I'm pretty sure they can't become premium, not even good ones, I think. I remember an author, I think it was the "Harry Potter and the Prince of Slytherin"'s that wanted to get his premium, and the Webnovel people were like, nope. Oh well. If it was premium, I would stop reading it since I barely ever have enough SS for anything

                NihilisticBeauty I think some of the fanfics do deserve premiums tbh if they are goood ones. Don’t get me wrong their are far worse ones then good but I’ve read a few that are complete AU. They might take place in the said universe but do deviate from it a lot. Just because it’s not original don’t mean it’s bad.

                Most FF authors who make everything about their wet dreams and massive harems can well go burn themselves. Others deserve credit for what they can do with a Ff world and change it massively yet still make others love it

                  Aye. Wish fanfic was separated from originals. Nothing against fanfic but when I want to read originals I dont want to sort through the 100+ naruto fanfics

                  Darkjokes What LtBeefy said. Pitchforks would then evolve into cases :joy:

                  Good fan fic authors should just transition into original ones after they built their reputation. Many actually suggest doing this.

                    2 months later

                    Daoisthentai OMG i've been thinking the same thing! Even fanfict got second rank in original rank which is a pity for the other truly genuie original. I saw many quickly jump into top 50 where the original struggle to get through. Can webnovel separate the ranking vote between fanfict and original?!

                      I always skip the fanfics because i dont think they should be group with originals. If i wanted to read fanfics i would go to fanfiction. But I’m curious are there actually contracted fanfic stories here in webnovel?? Are authors really making money off a fanfic novel here?! I thought that was illegal?

                        I'm definitely not to keen about fan fiction (being in the same section as original fiction.) In this one place I wont mention, I'd keep having my book knocked from ranks, even though it wasn't even really in the same category, never mind it being fan fiction.

                        I don't think fan fiction should be gotten rid of, but I certainly think they should not be marked as original.

                        I'm still very sore about my dystopian work, being removed from a rank by a How To Train Your Dragon fan fiction. Excuse me, what? O_o

                        Oh and side note, let's try to refrain from using homophobic slurs, that just ruins anyone's argument.

                          a year later

                          I might also be a bit of outdated, or old fashioned, but i also prefer the originals to be separated to the fanfiction.

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