eLais666 no worry's that why I added the not at you bit as a lot of people are blind to the facts. I also know that eBay feeling i own a pc company and used to important 10"" zenithink tablets from China most of the time in 5-10's but the one time for Xmas i put an order in for 100 3 months before Xmas and on Xmas day they were still sitting in Shuzhen airport china, luckily as I don't trust online payments I used pay pal or I'd have lost £5.000 that I'd payed
also if your a member of the webnovel FB group I posted a screen pic showing that 1 ss bs and the gaps in the chapters, I'm only luckily it's not my main 2 novels luckily I can still unlock them via an ad and they are still fully unlocked , but I'm losing more and more trust in dealing with Chinese companies and I don't like to think like that, but only last week Xiaomi started to release phones in the UK and did a flash sale for phones at £1 but it turns out they were only offering 5 phones total ( and the bs they come out with on twitter trying to save face was even more of a joke ) were when they've done the same in China they have done a good few 1000 in flash sale as oddly I've been following the company for 2yrs as I was going to replace my Samsungs with one when they did enter the UK market ...now I'll never buy one if you facey a lol read this https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-46183480