
  • Aug 23, 2019
  • Joined May 3, 2018
  • Currently, the TGIF promo for discounted chapters are offered on a daily schedule from the coming Monday to Sunday.

    But since the discount details get released on Friday (usually), wouldn't it make sense to go Saturday to Friday so the announcement of the upcoming offers coincides with the final day of the previous TGIF discount schedule? Or even start the schedule as Friday ro Thursday so the new discount offer starts the same day as other TGIF features (mass release/s, writing prompts, etc).

    Just a thought as the only perk I can think od a Monday-Sunday schedule is that it mimics the usual business week by starting Monday. Not sure if there is an administrative reason for beginning the discount cycle on Monday but I sometimes mixup which titles are trailing discount offers when the upcoming ones get announced. My poor, easily muddles mind


    • Pizz
      Relocked as original SS price has happened to me but never 1SS .... It's like using a token cost to trick someone to double-pay rather than contact helpdesk

    • Pizz
      Oh wow, seriously? I had no clue about the real background beyond QI being a Chinese publisher of sorts.
      thanks for not laughing at my ignorance but it was laughworthy. It kind of reminds me of trying to get customer service from sellers on eBay or Amazon marketplace that were from Shuzhen(zhou?) Or Hong Kong .... Not trying to be prejudiced because even some domestic support in N. Am can be less than effectual

      • Aoyuki
        First, i agree that everyone has an opinion and beliefs so hope I don't offend anyone here with my thoughts.

        Like many male leads, I still define LSC's actions as abusive because of the con/precepts of consent, respect and decency which are vastly complicated and dynamic because of the individualistic nature of one's opinion and perception of each to one's own or other's context of circumstances. Also, there is such a spectrum to abuse as well as a spectrum to the degree of harm being dependent on the recipient/victim's resilience. have ever had your concent violated, your intentions miscontrued, your bodily personal space invaded, and/or your rights suppressed can one understand how distasteful it is to read how commonly these plot events are in many c-novels (of many genres/settings) where the author glosses over a large part of the harm or foulness of such behaviour, to the point that some readers could/may become desensitized.

        Although this is fiction, our critical thinking of literature (or sometimes lack thereof) also influences our perspective of real life. If reading such an incidents doesn't make you feel or consider it abuse, then how would witnessing or experiencing it be then defined as abuse? Such thoughts on literature can lead us to our attitudes or values, whether condoning what is 'normal'/acceptable or admonishing what is abuse. Each person in the circumstance/s would have to make their own opinion and decisions, including about forgiveness, sincerity, remorse, rehabilitation, or redemption.
        I have read advanced Patreon chapters and 278-282 have me completely appalled with LSC's behaviour and temper... Not unforgivable but deeply disappointing and unnerving to be that forceful towards his 'dearest' and such hot blind anger like that could be a commonality for various assault/homicide commited 'in the heat of the moment' where regrets cannot be cured .... So far SQC's reaction to LSC in 279-282 isn't surprising and could have been more drastic so will have to wait and see whether i keep reading/supporting this melodramatic novel.

        P.S. i enjoy your, QueenCL and Peng Peng's spoilers/comments so it's no judgment on your opinion or preferences, just a painful discussion topic given the current hot-topic of consent - there was even a sexual assault acquittal in Ireland because the defence was able to argue a young lady wearing a sexy, lacy thong underwear constituted consent (f**k that noise, articles of clothing are not a representation of a person's absolute mind nor a speaking voice). Global laws differ around consent but if a cultural shift can happen through common knowledge, attitudes and respect then it can go a long way towards reducing people abusing someone else, stepping on someone's dignity, or taking advantage of someone.

      • Thatssumit
        Uhh, maybe give them a couple of days rather than 12hr? just saying .... Could be all kinds of delayed response reasons or factors like time difference and dealing with other priorities (like that SS running away issue). No need to expect all technological things to be insta-response/resolution since humans are still fundamentally behind all that tech service supported by the tech hard/software.....

        • Pizz replied to this.
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