Nizze Well My Youth began With Him isn't really a mass realise on Qidians part. In fact it's just ironic that this month ends on Friday because MYBWH always has a month end release. It's the Noodletown members that have been telling us about that specific mass release for like.....this entire month?

    Nizze But everything else I agree with qidian purposely doing mass relases to promote other new books.

      Yesss!! A mass release!! (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)

        ShadowsofYin Well 3 chaps in general can't reeeally be considered "mass" release... I do agree with promoting less popular novels... but I don't believe this is an effective way... Not many people would start reading a novel because it got a mass release... most comments on thifs posts talk about which of those novels the person reads and which ones they wish would get mass release...

          WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL you should change the BOOK COVER for Genius Doctor Black Bell Miss. Its just doesn't suit the book and the representation of the female protoginist. The image gives of a mature(looks like a really old woman trying to be young and cool but doesn't really look good) look and very, very disapponting.


          Am sooo into full marks hidden marriage butam begging the author to unlock more pages

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