Why is "national prince is a girl" locked?? It even locked the previous chapters that I've already read???
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL Trial marriage husband? Please give us a mass release. It's even reached the top 3 spot
Thanks... mass releass for Mezmerising Ghost Doctor please...hopefully next friday
- Edited
3 Chapters........... how's that a "Mass Release"?
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL would this novel truly apear because in TGIF#41 was promised: Overlord, Love Me Tender but this novel to today isnt apearing in webnovel is somtine wrong because i cant find this novel no matter how much i looc for it please send a reply so i can have apace in mind
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL why is it the national prince is already locked?
Er... couldn't we have mass release of more popular novels? Not that those are unpopular... but I would rather spend SS to read well stabilished? novels which I am sure will stay as good than newer novels... I get it's to incentivate to read new novels... but the really well known novels that gain mass release are mostly romance... at least thar is the impression I got from the lasts tgifs... u.u'
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL squeals the hell out
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL when will insanely pampered wife be released....I am waiting for it..
shameless_miss yes same here. Why ? huhuhuhuh
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL umm were are the mechanic mass release chapters? Number one dungeons 5 chapters appeared 4 h ago, but mechanic only released a single chapter 1h ago?
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL finally I was on the verge of death to wait
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL what time does this release?
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL why, just, why?!
Why is the TGIF discount list showing on Monday??